33. The Best Of Me

Start from the beginning

They laughed, and Dylan said, "You took the last fucking slice. I dreamed about that pizza all night."

Sam added, "Oh my God! That's when mom had you on that diet because you got really sick."

"That fucked me up! That's why I'm so skinny now." Dylan deadpanned.

Joey mused. "Don't blame a diet that happened ten years ago."

As I stepped closer into the living room area, my eyes fell on Joey. I couldn't help but smile at my interest in his childhood. When he noticed me gawking at him, he looked my way, but I quickly turned my head. I tried playing it off, but I'm sure he caught me and returned his vision to his family.

By evening, it was just Joey and me in the house. I wished for another night we were left alone, and I got it. Sam and Cam wanted to go bowling, and Dylan tagged along because he knew someone that worked there that he's been trying to get with. That man never slows down. They asked me if I wanted to go, but I took the night off.

Joey disappeared into his room for a while, and I took it upon myself to catch up on reading. I can never get tired of Nicholas Sparks because his novels give me chills and hope. I sat straight on the couch with my legs dangled to the ground and my toes running through the carpet. I opened the book to where I left off and scanned the page, losing myself in his words. I've read The Best Of Me more times than I could remember and never grew tired of it.

Growing restless, I leaned on the arm of the couch and finished the rest of the chapter. I didn't realize that I approached the last couple of pages, which breaks my heart every time. When I flipped the sheet, Joey walked around the couch and rested his head in my lap. I froze with a smile, watching him position his legs on the cushions.

Joey glanced up through the crack of my book. "I see you taking advantage of the book I got you."

I hid my smile, still reading, trying to focus, but he kept fiddling with my hands. "Leave me alone! I need to finish this." I whined.

He poked his bottom lip out. "Pay attention to me."

I ignored him. "Nope."

I couldn't help but notice him still staring at me with a crooked smile on his face. Why must he be so cute? It's almost impossible to ignore him when he looks that good and begs for my attention.

"At least tell me what the book is about?" He asked, flicking the pages.

I sighed with a smile and bent my page back. "Do you really want to know?"

"Judging by the way your face keeps lighting up, yes."

I set my book down as my cheeks warmed. Joey slowly blinked his eyelashes, keeping his vision on me. "So, there's Dawson and Amanda. She was popular, and he was the complete opposite: a mechanic. They start such a beautiful relationship, but Dawson had bad family issues with his side of the family. He ran away and started living with this guy named Tuck, which happened to basically be Dawson's guardian." I took a deep breath and continued. "So, fast-forward. Dawson accidentally kills his cousin and goes to jail for a few years, and forbids Amanda to come to see him so she can live out her life. She still goes to try to see him, but he wouldn't allow it. Twenty years later, their mutual friend, Tuck, passed away, and they must meet again to clear out the house. Well, they realized they were still deeply in love with each other, but Amanda was now married with kids. Although she couldn't stand her husband, she was still a married woman. They spend time up at this cabin until she goes back home. She realizes she wants to be with Dawson, and then he dies." I pursed my lips.

Joey arched his eyebrow. "Damn, I didn't expect that."

I laughed. "Yeah, I skipped that part when I read the book. There are two different ways he died. In the book, Crazy Ted shoots him, but in the movie, his father does."

"There's a movie? Let me watch it with you?" He offered, still trying to get my attention away from reading.

I forced a cheeky smile. "Would you? Don't mess with me." I palmed both sides of his face while looking down at him.

"I'm serious! Turn it on."

I sighed. "I'm hungry, though. I need to eat first."

"Let me cook for you then?" He ran his tongue over his front row of teeth.

I jumped at the thought. "What? Seriously? You wouldn't? Stop being so cute."

"Try me?" Joey rose from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, trying to find something to make. "What do you have a taste for?"

I thought. "Uh, surprise me!"

I sat there and watched him peel things out of the cabinet. I have no clue what he's making, but I'm sure I'll love it. While he turned the stove on, he glanced at me, wetting his lips. "Finish reading your book so we can watch it when I'm done. Deal?"


I asked, "So, did you like the movie?"

"Did you like the food?" Joey placed his hand on my thigh.

Joey had prepared some kind of pasta that he scrambled up, which was good. I cleaned my entire plate, wondering what the hell he did, but I don't usually eat pasta.

"Yes!" we both said in sync while laughing.

I laid my head on Joey's shoulder. "You should read the book." I pushed.

"If I do, what's in it for me?"

I thought and playfully replied, "Um, the pleasure of reading an awesome book and maybe a . . . kiss?"

Joey gripped onto my face. "I'll take that."

He swept my brown hair into his hands as I closed my eyes, feeling his lips sweep against mine. I held my hands against his neck to pull him closer, smiling against his lips as he pulled away.

I reopened my eyes. "I don't know what you're doing to me, but stop," Joey said, tracing my lips with his thumb.

We both glanced at my phone, hearing the notification ding. I had told Chris that we could meet at the beach house this week to say to him that I wanted to call this off. He's an incredible guy, but not the one for me. I should've done it awhile ago, but his training got in the way.

Chris: I got something for you when we meet.

Joey moved away from me and slugged his body on the couch. "You're still talking to him?"

I corrected him. "I'm not fucking him if that's what you're asking!"

"Why didn't you?" He clenched his jaw, intensely staring into my eyes. Is he jealous?

I sighed. "Because he's still a cool guy. What's your deal? Are you jealous?"

Joey played it off, cocking his legs open. "I don't get jealous."

"Then what's the problem?" I shot back.

Joey raked through his facial hair. "If I'm having sex with you and I'm still talking to . . . let's say, Brea. If I'm still talking to Brea, that doesn't make you feel any kind of way?"

I avoided eye contact, knowing I'm an extremely jealous person. I took a while to answer, resulting in Joey getting fed up. "Go ahead and talk to Chris. By all means, you're allowed to. Just don't come to me when I invite someone over." He said. My jaw dropped to the ground in anger.

I rose from my seat as he casually walked away. "That doesn't mean sleep with someone, Joey." I raised my voice, dropping my arms to my sides.

Well, this conversation went in the opposite direction, real quick. All because I couldn't just admit I would be jealous. I'm scared to let him know my feelings are involved, and everything crashes down.

I followed Joey like an annoying dog when you have food. "I mean it, don't sleep with anyone."

Joey sighed as I softly grabbed onto his exposed arm. "Riley, it—"

"I was talking to Chris to cut things off with him. There's nothing really to cut off, but that's why he texted me." I confessed.

Joey deeply sighed. "You couldn't just fucking say that in the beginning?" 

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