Chapter TwentyNine

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I wake up and nuzzle my face further into my pillow, only to discover it's not a pillow at all...It's a firm chest. I look up to see Niall smirking at me.

"Morning Princess." He chuckles. I've missed that.

"Morning." I grumble.

"I have three days until I go back on tour." He reminds me and I groan, wrapping myself around him like a monkey would.

"No you don't." I mumble into his chest.

"I don't want to leave any more than you want me to." He sighs.

"And by the way, what's going on with your job?" He asks me.

"I come in when they call or text, and they haven't done so for a while, but I think I have to go in tomorrow." I explain.

"I'm coming with you." He states and I just shrug.

"I hear a lot of noises in there!" I hear Luke call out. "Niall! You better not be doing anything with my cousin."

"Only when you're not in the house Luke!" Niall calls back and I can't help but laugh.

"I don't wanna know." I hear him murmur then I'm pretty sure he walks off.

"Why did we let him stay here." Niall groans, then sits up, pulling me up with him, but I lay back down.

"Because he is my cousin." I shrug and try to pull the covers back over me, but Niall pulls them away.

"Get up, get dressed, we're looking at houses." He tells me.

"Can't we just do it here, we just need to look on the internet." I shrug, but Niall just gives me a look and I groan, giving up in the small game of tug of war. "Fine."

I sit up and he gives me a quick kiss before running out and into the bathroom.

"You tell me to get ready, yet you steal the bathroom." I mumble to myself.

"Izzy! Get up! Or I'll nominate you for the ice bucket challenge right here and now." I hear Elora call out and I know she means she'll tip a bucket of ice over me.

"I'm getting up!" I call back.

"If you're not out here in ten minutes, I will tip a bucket of ice over you!" She warns, so I get out of the bed and make myself more presentable, like actually putting clothes on and running a brush through my hair. I get a mint from the tin in my bag and pop it in my mouth.

"Don't open your door! Charlie is right in front of it!" I Harry calls out, then I hear Niall laughing.

"Get her out of the way then!" I call back, and stand in front of the door and I hear more laughter.

"Alright, alright, she's away." Luke calls out so I open the door, only to get soaked with water as soon as I do.

"I am going to kill you!" I glare at Elora who is laughing her arse off. She manages to sober up, but she is biting her lip, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"It worked!" She exclaims. "It finally worked."

Harry jokingly starts applauding, until I glare at him.

"She's tried to get me with that so many times." He chuckles.

"You are so dead." I go back to glaring at her. I take a few steps towards her and her eyes widen.

"Oh shit!" She runs out of the hall and into the lounge.

I follow behind her, fully aware that I am dripping wet and and leaving water in the carpet, but I need to get her back for the amount of pranks she has pulled on me and others.

She runs into the kitchen and I walk in, she turns around with a spatula in hand.

"A spatula?" I raise an eyebrow.

"If I got a knife it could have ended badly." She shrugs.

"True." I nod, then continue to corner her. She hits my arm with the spatula.

"Niall! Get your crazy fiancé away from me!" She pleads as she hits the bench.

She reaches around behind her and when she moves her hand in front of her, I panic. She wouldn't! Would she? My question is answered when she smashes an egg against the top of my head then runs off.

I grab the glass of juice sitting on the bench and turn around and throw it at the person behind me. Serves her right.

"Thanks babe." An Irish voice says and I mentally groan. I hate her so much right now.

"Sorry." I sigh.

"Just give me a hug." He smirks. I open my arms but close them when I remember he has juice all over him.

"No way." I shake my head.

"Hey, you've got egg in your hair." He argues.

"Fine." I groan and hug him, I can feel the juice soaking through the shirt.

"PDA's are not necessary guys." I hear Luke groan.

"Sorry." I mumble, pulling away from Niall. But Niall pulls me back to him and kisses me. I hear Luke mumble something before walking out of the kitchen.

"That got rid of him." Niall shrugs.

"Jerk." I joke and he pecks my lips.

"I need to shower." I try to walk out of the kitchen but his hand catches my wrist.

"You still look beautiful." He shrugs and kisses me again.

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