Chapter FortyThree

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Niall and I walk through the park, me carrying Charlie, Niall carrying Sammy. There's not many people out. Which I thought was kind of strange, I suppose people would be at work and school.

We sit down under a tree and lean against the trunk. Charlie and Sammy just play around in front of us we make sure they don't stray far. Niall laces our fingers together and I lean my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head and I smile to myself.

Honestly, I don't care if there is anyone hiding in the bush, snapping photos of us or something like that. Just as long as they don't get in our faces and they leave us alone.

Sammy just suddenly stops and sits down. He doesn't chuck a tantrum or anything, he just sits there. Charlie holds her arms open for me. I stand up and pick her up.

"How about we walk." I suggest, I crouch down behind her and she holds onto my fingers. she wobbles around, but she gets her balance. Niall gets up and crouches down in front of us, a few steps away.

"You going to walk to Daddy?" I ask her and I help her take a few steps forward, then I take my hands away and she continues to walk forward, only taking a few steps on her own, but Niall catches her before she face plants.

Niall stands up and lifts her up, he extends his arms and holds her above his face. It would be very unfortunate if she decided to vomit. Instead of vomiting, she giggles.

"Were they her first steps?" Niall asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"That's amazing." He says with a massive smile, lowering her and sitting her on his hip.

We sit back down under the tree and Sammy crawls into my lap. He starts fiddling with my fingers as Niall and I talk. We talk about the wedding; when we'll have it, where, who we'll invite, who's in the bridal party. Our conversation gets interrupted by a shadow blocking our sun. We look up to see Ashton and a girl.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey." He greets, they both sit down opposite us.

"Ash!" Sammy calls and crawls over him.

"What!?" My eyes widen, Niall and Ashton burst into laughter.

"That's not cool!" I exclaim.

"Sorry babe." Ashton winks.

"No! Absolutely not! That is not acceptable." I shake my head. "I refuse to believe he just said that."

"Sorry honey, but he did." Niall chuckles.

"Sorry, but what happened?" The girl asks.

"That was his first word." Niall answers and she chuckles.

"That is just not cool." I pout.

"I guess we know who's the favourite uncle." He smirks.

"Shut up." I huff. He sticks his tongue out at me, then Niall and him start talking about something, and my attention moves to this mystery girl.

"Hi love." I smile.

"Hi." She wears a shy smile.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Bella." She answers.

"So we have the same name?" I ask and she nods.

"Pretty much yeah." She chuckles.

"Awesome." I nod. "Where do you work?"

"I don't actually, I just go to school." She explains.

"I actually kind of miss school." I admit.

"School sucks though." She shrugs.

"But once you leave you have to actually do something with your life." I say and she chuckles.

The four of us just talk for a while, we get to know Bella really well, I can tell why Ash likes her. It's kinda cute. His face drops when she says she has to leave because her boyfriend is here to pick her up, he puts a smile back on before she sees though.

We leave shortly after that, Ash not really in a happy mood anymore. I feel sorry for him. I wrap an arm around his waist as wee all home, he's got Sammy on his hip and Niall is carrying Charlie.

We get back to the hotel and Niall and Ash put Sammy and Charlie's tired bodies to bed.

I enter the lounge and sit down next to El on the couch.

"Charlie took her first steps." I announce and she coos.

"Sammy said my name!" Ash runs into the room. "It was beautiful."

"Seriously?" Luke groans. "That means I owe you $50."

"Don't make bets you know you can't win." Ash says, and Luke hands over some money.

"Dick." He mutters, chucking his wallet on the table.

"Thanks." Ash smiles to himself, putting the money in his wallet.

"Oh my god!" Eleanor suddenly gasps.

"What is it?" Louis rushes over to her. "Are you alright?"

"Are you going into labour?" Niall panics.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you he's a father." Luke jokes and Niall rolls his eyes at him.

"The baby just kicked." She smiles and Louis kisses her stomach.

He places his hand on her stomach and we all wait. We know he kicked when Louis face lights up.

(a/n: Hey all!! I am so so so so so so so so sorry for the late update, I got distracted with school work and exams and all that jazz and my tablet reset itself and I can't get it back yet.
I had to change an earlier chapter to make this work, so if you see anything about Charlie and Sammy walking or talking before this chapter please let me know, thank you for reading, love you all!! xx)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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