9-The Prettiest Blush

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"Kenzy wants to go to beauty school. She's actually really good, her Mom is a hair dresser so she's been learning since she was young." Aria's mouth form an O shape as she turned back to Kenzy who looked at her excitedly. Aria nodded, knowing her mother would be happy with whatever made Aria happy.

"Oh, this is going to be so exciting!" She squealed as the last bell rang.

Xepher left his Economics class as the bell rang, eager to get to Aria's locker. He did't know exactly what was happening between the two of them, and with what was going on at home he wasn't exactly sure how to treat her. The thought that that slime ball was putting his hands anywhere on her enraged him, made him want to beat the man within an inch of his life, and maybe beyond that. However, he promised Aria he would keep her secret, even though the thought of her going home, knowing she was alone with him, did nothing to ease his burning rage.

When he saw the three girls making their way to her locker, he stood straighter. He noticed Raven and Kenzy talking animatedly as seemed to be listening intently to everything they were saying. She was so tiny compared to the other girls, and seemed even smaller in his jackets. Dainty, but strong, this girl had gripped and held his attention without meaning to. He sighed to himself. He needed to clear his head because right now it was only filled with Aria. It had been for days now.

When they reached him Aria smiled softly at him, her cheeks flushing red before she broke eye contact with him and dug into her locker once more, tossing all of her books into it.

"Don't forget, girl's night tonight!" Kenzy called sweetly as her and Raven went their own way. Aria waved to them gently as she closed her locker. Xepher had nearly forgotten they were supposed to have a girl's night tonight.

"Are you excited for your girl's night?" Xepher asked her. She nodded as she tried to reach for her bag, which he'd grabbed from Kenzy. He pulled it out of her reach.

"Uh-uh, don't even." Xepher said. Aria reached up, trying to get the bag from his too-tall grip. She lost her balance, falling into his chest and he gripped her waist gently to catch her. They both froze, even as students moseyed on around them. She really was so tiny compared to him as he held her waist in his hand. Being this close to her, he could smell her lovely jasmine scent he hadn't registered earlier when she'd held onto him so tightly. Aria turned then, tucking her head down and walking as fast as she could away from him.

"Aria?" Xepher called out, following her. She ignored him, weaving in and out of student traffic, even as her body was jostled heavily. He worried for her injuries and her sudden change in mood. Had he done something wrong?

"Aria! Wait!" He gripped her good wrist, pulling her around the buildings corner wall, away from prying eyes. She kept her head down and tried to turn and run away, but he wasn't having it. He turned them and blocked her between himself and the wall, careful not to jerk her around. He reached a finger under her chin brought her head up.

"Aria, what's wr-" But his breath froze as he looked at her. Her face was cherry red and she was shaking slightly. She played with her hands nervously as she avoided eye contact with him. Her face was warm under his fingers that still held her chin gently. She was flustered, he realized, because he grabbed her waist.

"Did I make you uncomfortable when I held your waist?" He asked bluntly. Her eyes widened as she looked at him, her cheeks getting redder. She shook her head 'no' slowly.

"D-do you like me touching you?" He asked curiously. The warning bell rang then but she didn't move.

"Aria?" He pushed. She looked him in the eyes then and nodded vehemently before ducking beneath his arm and running away towards the class. He was frozen in his spot. He slowly brought his hand up to his mouth, covering it as he felt his face begin to heat up.

Her Savior (Book Two Of The Brave Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant