Chapter 42/On The Topic Of Love

Start from the beginning


One of his musings brought him to where he was now.

France stood in front of the hotel with his hands stuffed into his pockets and a scarf thrown fashionably around his neck. It was fairly early in the morning, around six or seven. He wasn't sure what brought him there. He was feeling a little restless so he decided a morning walk would help take his mind off of whatever he was thinking.

While on the way from his room, he ended up thinking about love.

Somedays just end up like that. Little disturbances and suddenly you're feeling philosophical.

(France got into these moods far too often nowadays.)

He was about to begin walking but someone spoke from behind him.


He turned around and was just a little surprised to see (Y/n) behind him.

"Bonjour, chère," he said.

[Bonjour, chère: Hello, dear (French)]

"Are you going for a walk?" she asked.


"May I join you?"

France thought for a moment. It wouldn't hurt to have someone accompany him on his walk. So, he agreed and together, they set off on their walk. Neither of them seemed to have a destination in mind as they aimlessly wandered through the town. Many shops were preparing to open and the sky was still tinted black with the sun only barely rising enough to bring the bottom to a light ombre.

(Y/n) and France didn't speak for much of their walk and merely allowed silence to fill the space between them. It probably seemed unusual for him to not be flirting with her since she was a pretty girl but as it was, he wasn't in the mood.

(If it were any other time, he might have. Just not now.)

They stopped at a bridge. The bridge wasn't high up and was just over a small lake. The two of them stepped onto the bridge and leaned on the railings.

"Has there been something on your mind?" (Y/n) was the first to break the silence.

France felt his heart stop for a second, "Is it t'at obvious?"

She gave him an odd smile, somewhere between a humourless and sympathetic.

"No one gets up this early for a walk unless they're Ludwig."

He laughed, startled, "Oui, t'ere 'as been somet'ing on my mind."

She nodded, "You're welcome to tell me if you'd like."

France took a deep breath and waited. He thought and thought and after careful waiting he spoke. He spoke and spilled his heart to her.

(Sometimes, it was easier to spill your heart and worries to someone you don't know well rather that a good friend.)

(Y/n) didn't interrupt him. She only played the part of a quiet listener to his troubles. There was a sense of melancholy as he recounted his thoughts. By the end, crystal blue tears were present at the corners of his eyes and one had even made its way down his cheek.

"If that's what they think, they don't deserve your company," (Y/n) said at last. She took out a napkin and wiped away his tears with a sad smile.

"T'at's sweet of you," he responded as she wiped away the last of his tears.

"Thank you," she pocketed the napkin and looked over to the sunrise.

France didn't think he had ever talked that much about himself in a long time. There were a few times, long ago, during the late nights when he and England would open and a bottle of wine and talk before drinking until they forgot what they were even saying.

(They didn't do that now as much as they used to.)

Talking about problems while drunk didn't help that much but for him to be talking about the matters of love while completely sober? That was a different story.

"We s'ould go back now," France smiled and ran his gloved hand through his blond hair. (Y/n) nodded and they began walking.

France was uncertain if (Y/n) was aware but he was glad that she allowed him to spill his feelings. It was like a weight was lifted off of his chest. He didn't think he would be able to repay her with how she helped even if she didn't know just how she helped him that much.

"Are you alright?" (Y/n) blinked.

He hadn't realized he stopped walking. He shook his head and caught up to her.

"I'm alright, ma chère."


I'm so sorry this is bad. Uhhhhh. I have no idea what I'm doing. Thanks for reading!

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