Chapter 9/Nightmares

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A small intermission. Digs a little deeper into Reader-san's mind.

Warning: Possible trigger warning.


(Y/n) dreamed that night.

(They weren't dreams, they were nightmares.)

She stood in an empty hallway in World Academy in her uniform. Everything was dull grey. There was no colour. She took a few steps through the hallway. Laughing echoed throughout the hall. Faceless figures with only mouths laughed, pointing at her. They whispered harsh words like a chorus to a song.

They had cruel smiles on their faces as they talked and talked and talked. They talked about how horrible she was, how she had no friends, how lonely she was. They whispered that the people she helped wouldn't be happy to know who she was. That they would only act grateful to use her.

(What they were saying wasn't true, was it?)

She turned and ran but they kept following her. Their words as deadly as poison and as sharp as broken glass. Doubt festered in her mind like a growing disease.

Italy, Japan and Germany don't like her, they hissed. They only pity her.

Clothes are superficial things, Poland and Lithuania will get bored of them eventually, they said. Why are you so useless? You can't even make your fellow nations happy.

England only uses her when she's convenient. You let your soft heart bend and help him with no results. They mocked her.

(Y/n) felt warm tears flowing down her cheeks. She rubbed the tears away and ran. Everything was dark as she ran blindly with only words taunting her. She reached the courtyard. The normally bright area was dark and gloomy. She tripped on a branch and fell.

Her hands were scrapped with mud painting them. The laughing grew louder as she cupped her hands over her ears in an attempt to block out their sharp words. She shut her eyes tightly and sobbed. Her monsters curled around her like shadows, whispering in her ears.

(What should she do?)

(Y/n) woke up, startled. Dried tears were on her face as she tried to calm her breathing. She closed her eyes and inhaled before exhaling. She glanced at her clock and grimaced. She tucked herself back into her bed and She fell back asleep.

(How could she help others when she can't even escape her own demons?) 


A short chapter. This is like, really, really short. Thanks for reading!

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