🎄🎁Christmas Special: Vampire ova🎄🎁

Start from the beginning

"Ah!" "Ah!" But when you slide it upwards the window opens. You and Hatabou exchange a glance, looking at the others and you put one foot onto the window frame. When you jump inside you help Hatabou. It's dark inside, but the light from the windows is at least giving a bit light.

"It's huge jooo~." Hatabou said amazed. "Uwa, I don't want to know what rich people wore in this century." You say with an pale expression. You both walk over to the doors and Hatabou unlocks it. "?!" You jump slightly when the doors bust open and hit Hatabou directly into his face. He falls back and rolls onto the ground back, before he hits a wall. "We made-eh?! Since when are you two inside zanzu?!" Iyami ask really shocked when he sees you.

"Aaaah ... it's a secret. Now let's move forward. I want my bed and get some sleep already." You sigh and walk over to Hatabou. The other three walking inside while Chibita turns the flashlights on. You help Hatabou up with one hand and carry him now under your arm. Since he isn't that heavy you can carry this boy easily.

While you walk up the stairs you look around. 'It's really dusty here, but ... isn't it weird that just dust, a few crumbles papers and dirt lays here? I mean, how long does this castle stands here? Over 1000 years or something? .. I have a bad feeling in my guts.' You stop walking and get the attention from Chibita. "Hm? What's wrong, (y/n)-chan?" " .. I'll wait by the nutshell, Chibita. Since I'm the one who drove us here I think it's the best if I wait by the water. If anything happens, scream. I'll be the first one who's off the island." You turn around and walk back to the stairs. "What do you mean with that?!"

When you made it outside you sigh to yourself. 'Why did I even agreed to it? I mean, I have enough money and my parents wouldn't kill me if I stay a few weeks by them if I lose everything. Seems like it all was just a waste-' "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" You hum and look over your shoulder.

Within a flash your four friends suddenly run past by you and down the stairs. "RUN (Y/N)!!! THERE ARE MONSTERS!!!" Totoko screams. "Monsters?" You look over your shoulder dumbfounded and squint your eyes when you see dark shadows coming out of the castle. "OH HELL NO!!" You quickly run after the others.

Iyami push the boat inside the water while the others waiting really panicked. When the boat is in the water, Totoko and Hatabou grabbing the paddles and starting to drive quickly back to the other side. "OI!! WHAT'S WITH ME!?!" You yell angry. "SORRY (Y/N)-CHAN!!! SELF-DEFENSE!!!" "BETRAYAL!!"

"There's still one human left!! Get him!!" You squeak when you hear voices behind you. Without thinking twice about your choice you jump up by the edge and into the water. When you make it underwater you start to swim as fast as you can right now. 'Ugh! Fucking cold!' Since you can't hold your breathe after running so fast you need to get your head out.

"Pfuah!" "There's the human!" You squeak and quickly get down again. But something suddenly goes under you and lifting you quickly up. "Pfuah! E-Eh?!" When you catch air back into your lungs you opened your eyes again. Only to see you fly upwards. "Nice job, Ichimatsu!" Suddenly, a dark purple bat with yellow glowing eyes is right in front of your face.

"Oh shi-?!" The bats suddenly disappeared and let you fall down. Only to catch you at your legs and bringing you down to the ground again. "Aaaaaaaah!! Let go of me you flying animals!! I never hurt one of you species before so there's no point in doing business with me!!" You kick your legs around, but they aren't letting go of you. More like your pants.

"Hieh!" When the bats stopped a hand touched your cheek. Pushing your head to the side and feeling a hot breathe against your neck. "The hell!" "Boeh!" You randomly hit your fist in a direction and really punched someone in the face. "Ah, the human is tough." "?!" You get laid down on the ground and the bats letting go of you. Before you can say something you look up and froze when you see six same faced man's who are just looking like vampires.

~And then...~
You got tied up with a rope and lay now in a bed. Your wrist behind your back while your ankles together. "So? Who wants to go first?" Osomatsu, how you found out just from listening, ask the others while looking at you. "Me! I'm really hungry!" Jyushimatsu beams happy with his hand raised up. "Uwa, you're cannibals. Gross." You say with an disgusted face. "We don't human-" But before Todomatsu can say more, you interrupt him.

"Please kill me before you eat me. If I die then in a way it would hurt less." You sigh depressed and lay your head down. Burring your face in the soft blanket. "Say, aren't you scared of us?" Karamatsu ask with a quirked brow. You hum and lift your head up again. Eyeing him up and down you say with a slight smirk: "Why should I be scared of an half stripper~?"

"?!" But Ichimatsu is suddenly over you and push your hair aside. With his other hand he press your head down into the mattress. "This takes too long." You groan when Ichimatsu suddenly bite down into your neck. A shiver runs down your spine when you feel how he sucks blood out of your body.

But Ichimatsu suddenly pulls away and looks surprised down at you. "Hm? Something wrong with her blood, Ichimatsu?" Choromatsu ask confused. "No, it's ... she taste different." Osomatsu hums and push Ichimatsu aside. You groan again and shut your eyes tightly when Osomatsu bites down in your neck. When he drinks a bit from your blood Osomatsu suddenly sinks his fangs deeper into your skin. Earing a small whine in pain from you.

"O-Osomatsu-niisan what-" Osomatsu pulls quickly away when he notice he is about to lose himself. "Aaaah ... so you're the golden blood child, eh?" Osomatsu ask with a shaky smirk and licks the blood from his lips. "Gol-what?" You ask rather confused, but pant a bit from air. He must drink much of your blood if you already feel exhausted. "Eh? But isn't it rare for humans to have this blood?" Todomatsu ask surprised. "Yeah, but it seems like we found one of them. As the oldest, I say we shouldn't drink all her blood. We'll never get the chance to drink such tasty blood again and it would be a shame if we lose this human. Especially ... if this human is a female~."

You squeak when Osomatsu suddenly push his hand inside your pants. Rubbing a finger through your underwear against your pussy. "O-Oi! St-Stop-mn!" You whimper when Osomatsu push his finger with your underwear inside your core. "She even makes lewd faces. I bet such a human will bring us more fun than the others we had before." Osomatsu chuckles with a smirk.

Small tears collected in the corner of your eyes. When you open them slightly it feels like your stomach was making a flip. The six vampires smirking down at you with lust in their eyes and showing their fangs off.

"But first let us enjoy this special meal~."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A/N: Honestly I wanted to make a lemon, but making this in a few hours was cracking my lazy bones. So it's not really a lemon, but ... yeah. Oh, and this with the blood is true. I googled it on the internet and only 43 people on the whole planet have Rh-null blood. It's getting called golden blood, because Rh-null blood can be accepted by anyone with a rare blood type in the Rh system.

But having this blood is dangerous too, because it's rare. So if the person who has this blood gets hurt pretty bad and needs this blood it's not really a high chance to survive, because of the rareness from this blood type. I thought it's a good idea, because vampires and blood? I mean, golden blood should taste like heaven for them, because they rarely/never tasted it before.

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