Terrifying Potential

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A warm exhale of breath escaped past those lips, the tongue lulling out to touch the lips gently.

???: What... w-what are you doing?

???: Just getting a taste.

A hand moved cautiously down the fingers side, caressing the skin with care as it moved closer to the figure's chest.

???: Hold o-on...

???: A little more.

???: W-Watch your hands!

???: Do you mean your hands~?

???: Yes!

The figure was you of course. Like a puppet on a string, you are recuperating while the mysterious Catherine is piloting your body on a flimsy promise that she will simply hand it over. Though you shared the same voice and face, your words came out in your normal tone whereas the words of the demon came out in a slightly more... huh, the word would be demonic in this case. 

(Y/n): Stop touching my body!

Catherine let out a chuckle as your hands ran over your chest and up to your neck.

Catherine: I can't~! It just feels so good! Being inside of each other, I want to keep this glorious feeling!

(Y/n): Oi! You're giving my body back after this, got it?!

There was a moment of silence. It seemed as though the demon was considering something. 

Catherine: I... hmm yeah I'll give it back, but I'm not done with you.

(Y/n): What does that mean?

Catherine: I was gonna let you heal and then return to my snoozing but... this feeling... I just can't get over it. I think I'm gonna stick around for a while~

Your body turned quickly in one direction. In the past, your bones would have snapped and popped like a broken branch but now you couldn't feel anything as your body raced off, toting your heirloom across your shoulders, balancing it with your left hand

(Y/n): Look I don't care, alright? I just want to help the sins and get my body back.

Catherine: And I'm doing that! Man, you really need to liven up that attitude of yours. Just get to know me and we'll have tons of fun!

(Y/n): Considering I didn't know you existed until I died, I think I'm gonna need a little more time.

Catherine: Boo... 

Catherine spoke her last word before she rushed off into battle with your body as her armor.

Elsewhere on the battlefield...

Elizabeth: Lord Meliodas? W-Where did he go?

Hawk: H-He got sucked into that rock?!

Before the princess and Hawk stood another woman and her larger companion. The purple-haired girl burst into laughter at what seemed to be something rather successful for her.

???: So Meliodas really was a monster! This stone is only capable of sealing away demonic beings!

???: Glad I wasn't caught in it then~

A voice cut through the air and drew the attention of the companion first.

???: Princess Veronica!

He hastily called out before jumping in front of her. He glared from behind his helmet up at the roof of the building. This Veronica, Elizabeth, and Hawk were confused until they saw the figure perched on the roof.

Seven Deadly Sins x Male Reader (2018)Where stories live. Discover now