Poetic Reunion

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(Y/n): Tch... pathetic.

You didn't even need to unsheathe your weapon as the soldiers either ran from Meliodas or turned tail as you approached the building. Then again you were quite the sight to behold. Your armor in tatters splattered in your own blood as well as others. Your slicked back hair dripping crimson down your face. You finally reached the towering structure to find that knight from before critically injured.

(Y/n): Meliodas is taking all the fun.

You pouted slightly. Turning you continued to look for a proper entrance until you found what seemed like a large set of stairs leading to an opening. 

Meliodas: Hey (N/n)! Do something with your hair?

(Y/n): Why yes actually. Have you secured the area?

Meliodas: Yeah. All those other knights ran off after a beat that guy.

(Y/n): Then let's continue on. I told Diane and Hawk to take Elizabeth back into to-

Diane: Hold it right there!

You turned to the massive girl as her rumbling footsteps grew closer.

(Y/n): What are you doing here? And where is Elizabeth?!

Diane pulled her bag from behind and held it up to show you its contents. Inside housed the injured princess.

(Y/n): I thought I told you to take her back to town!

Diane: I tried to take her, but she insisted that she come with us. 

(Y/n): We need to keep her safe!

Meliodas: Well what is safer than being with us?

(Y/n): Well I... you're right. Just keep her protected in your bag, please.

Diane: Of course.

Meliodas: So it's this tower right?

Diane: I'm sure of it. That knight didn't seem like the type to lie to my face about this.

You looked in the doorway.

(Y/n): It's awfully empty in here.

The five of you continued to move forward. Luckily for Diane, the doorway was quite large, but it was still a little cramped.

Meliodas: It's probably because I sent their boss flying.

Hawk: What a cowardly bunch.

You continued down the corridors of the prison walking by empty cells until you encountered a cell with a young girl.

(Y/n): Who is she?

Hawk: The doctor's daughter.

(Y/n): I feel like I'm missing a part of a story.

Meliodas: Let's take her with us. Can another person fit in your bag?

Diane: Yep, should be fine!

As Diane reached for the girl, she awoke from her slumber and began to scream. Diane ripped the bars out of the wall before taking a hold on the girl. She promptly fainted making it easier for Diane to place her in the bag next to Elizabeth.

(Y/n): I hope she will be ok.

Diane: It looks like she fainted.

The others looked down the hall drawing your attention as well. A figure approached from the shadows. Once light shed on the figure's form it revealed the target of this mission.

Melodias: Ban.

Ban: Ah, Cap'n!

The two entered into a stare down.

Seven Deadly Sins x Male Reader (2018)Where stories live. Discover now