The Real You

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Your fist collided into the jaw of a drunken tavern patron. He stumbled a bit before regaining his footing and smirking. He raised his fists and swung at you. He was too intoxicated to control his brain let alone his muscles and he tripped as he swung face planting into a table. You knelt by his side and gripped his wrist pressing your pointer and middle finger against it. When you felt a slight beat you cast his wrist aside and turned to the crowd that had gathered around you two.

(Y/n): Hey you gonna pay your drunken friend's debt?

Two guys in the crowd grumbled as the dug in their pockets pulling out small bags of coins. They tossed them at you and you caught them both in your left hand.

(Y/n): Thanks, now I would get your pal out of here before he challenges someone else to a fight and you're stupid enough to bet against the one sober guy in the joint. 

They nodded to you and walked over picking up their snoring friend and dragging him out the door. You walked to the corner of the tavern and sat down. A barkeep walked up to you with a small note.

(Y/n): If it's to pay for the damages here you go.

You tossed one of the small bags at the hesitant barkeep who caught it.

Barkeep: T-Thank you, but this came in from a h-holy knight sir.

You raised an eyebrow at the kid before gripping the note. You took one look at the seal of the letter before crumbling it up and tossing it away.

(Y/n): While you're at it could you get me an ale? The adrenaline's starting to wear off.

Barkeep: O-Of course.

You watched him shuffle away. You sighed as you glared at the paper on the ground. For these past four years, you had received messages from members of the holy knights trying to convince you to return to the order. This one, in particular, was from Gilthunder. You thought he would give up after you told him your friendship was dead. The barkeep walked over and set the ale filled mug in front of you. 

(Y/n): Thank you. Here.

You reached in the small bag of coins you still had and flipped a coin to the kid.

Barkeep: T-Thank you!

He walked away with a grin on his face as you pulled down your face cover and down the ale. You sighed out in contempt as you set the mug down and settled into your seat. You hadn't changed much over the past few years. The blade on your brace broke off in a fight a year or two ago so you had a blacksmith remove what was left and place an iron plate over where the blade use to reside. Other than that, you hadn't changed too much in appearance. You were taller, but of course, that would happen. You picked up the mug and downed what was left before standing up and walking out of the tavern, making sure to grind the letter into the wooden floorboards on the way out. You pushed open the door and looked around. The street was empty as it usually was since the holy knights started extending their reach to even small villages like this. You turned your head to a hill off in the distance and saw a small building perched on the ledge. 

(Y/n): When did that get there? I'm sure it wasn't here three days ago.

You shrugged before starting on the path towards the hill. You had nothing better to do and it was this or pick a fight with the weak knights that littered the outskirts of the kingdom. You continued past and watched as a group of clearly drunk rush past you. You caught one the collar and yanked him back. He let out a choked gargle before walking back to be in front of you.

(Y/n): Could you tell me what happened?

He was panicked but you could make out one sentence in all his drunken babbling.

Seven Deadly Sins x Male Reader (2018)Where stories live. Discover now