Blissful Existence

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A loud wooden clank sounded throughout a mostly empty courtyard. It wasn't completely empty though. Four children were playing in the courtyard. One was a pink haired boy wielding a wooden toy sword and clashing against him with a wooden staff was a smiling (H/c) haired boy. The two were young rivals for a very good reason. The pink haired lad known as Gilthunder wished to be like his father and the other young man named (Y/n) of the (L/n) family wanted to grow strong to protect his family. And watching the tussle between the boys were two girls. The elder of the girls watched with a slight smile as she watched the two holy knight apprentices duel each other. Her name was Margaret, the eldest princess of Britannia and she stood with her younger sister Elizabeth. Elizabeth was not as pleased with the duel. Though only of the age of 6 she worried deeply for the two, especially (Y/n). She knew they were only playing, but she didn't want her friend to hurt himself.

Elizabeth:Be careful!

Gilthunder:You should surrender now (Y/n).

You smirked at the pink haired boy as you tried to obtain the upper hand in the mock duel.

(Y/n):I can't do that Gil cause I'm fighting for Lady Elizabeth!

The aforementioned girl blushed and Gilthunder also allowed a smirk to rise to his face.

Gilthunder:Well I'm fighting for Lady Margaret and I won't allow myself to be defeated!

???:So young and already dueling for a girls heart.

Both boys turned their attention to the new voice. There was a blonde man not much taller than them watching the two with a smile resting on his face.

(Y/n):Meliodas when did you arrive?

Gilthunder:Yeah I thought you were on a mission.

Meliodas:The rest of the sins and I returned an hour ago. Just in time for me to watch your little love duel.

Meliodas began wiggling his eyebrows at the two as the slight embarrassment brought a blush to their cheeks.

???: Look what you've done, you turned them scarlet.

Walking up from behind Meliodas was the uncle of Gilthunder. The holy knight Dreyfus.

Dreyfus:You two are too young to be fighting each other over girls. Your duties as holy knights comes first above all else. I know you two want to have fun just don't hurt yourselves alright.

Dreyfus kneeled and ruffled the hair of his nephew. Gilthunder swatted the hand a way, but smiled.

Meliodas: Well lil' Gil and (N/n) have fun. I have to report to your fathers.

Gilthunder and (Y/n):Take us with you!

You noticed that at this statement Dreyfus visibly stiffened and seemed panicked. You went to question him when he stood up quickly resting his hand on Gil's shoulder.

Dreyfus: Gilthunder I just remembered I came here to speak to you. And my ladies I apologize for leaving you out of the conversation.

Dreyfus smiled at the two princesses bowing slightly in apology.

Margret:It is perfectly alright Lord Dreyfus

Dreyfus:I'll escort you two to your father. I trust you won't listen on the conversation with my nephew though.

Elizabeth:Y-Yes sir. Goodbye (Y/n) and Lord Meliodas.

Meliodas:Bye Bye.

(Y/n):We can play later my lady. Goodbye for now. Can we go see my father now?

Seven Deadly Sins x Male Reader (2018)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن