Calibur of Power

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The ground rumbled and cracked as an object collided into the dirt, burrowing deep into the soil. A thunderous sound accompanied the impact. As the dust settled from the initial impact, a gloved hand gripped the edge of the crater and pulled at the loose dirt. A weapon dug into the dirt as a tired and battered body pulled itself free. The impact had taken a toll on you, but you were still standing. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as the sweat of battle drenched your hair and droplets ran down your face. The salt burning your eyes as you pulled on your face mask to breathe properly.

(Y/n): Bastard...

You breathed in deeply as you watched the giant knight battle a much smaller version of itself. This battle must have taken a strain on your mental health to be seeing two, but you were thankful for the few seconds of relief. Pieces of your armor surrounded you as you clambered out of the crater. This armor was falling apart at the seams, but it only had to hold on until you could find a smith.

???: Don't think you can hide from me holy knight!

You looked up and saw the massive knight approaching quickly. Your grip tightened on the halberd as you entered into a combat position. You were ready to spear this knight through the heart and be rid of him for good when a light ring filled your ears. Blinking rapidly you shook your head.

???: (Y/n)?

Your eyes snapped upward and met with the gaze of Diane.

(Y/n): D-Diane?! When did you get here?! 

???: He who strikes first wins!

Your attention was drawn to the shouting of the holy knight from before, now his normal size. He charged forward at Meliodas who has crouched over... an injured Elizabeth! You found renewed strength in your exhausted body as you cradled your side using your weapon as a cane to move quickly over to Meliodas and the injured princess. The knight managed to hit the distracted Meliodas and send him flying. The knight chased after Meliodas while you managed to reach Elizabeth. You fell to a knee next to her form and felt guilt rise up in your chest as you looked at the multiple cuts and bruises on her delicate form. You were her guardian and yet you had failed to protect her. Sure they would heal, but nothing should have been able to reach her in the first place.

???: Elizabeth...

You glanced up to see Hawk standing over Elizabeth with tears in his eyes.

Hawk: If only I was stronger...

Diane: Those are some serious injuries.

Diane walked over and kneeled as well.

Diane: We need to get her back to town right away.

???: Please... wait.

(Y/n): Elizabeth!

Elizabeth: Please... take me with you... where Lord Meliodas... and Lord Ban are.

Hawk: What are you saying?! You're severely wounded!

(Y/n): Elizabeth.

The girl looked up at you and smiled slightly.

Elizabeth: (Y/n)...

You reached down gently and cupped her cheek, running your thumb along one of the many cuts on her body.

(Y/n): You need to listen to me. It's too dangerous for you to continue. 

Elizabeth: But I... made a promise...

(Y/n): I know, but I can't let you go to that prison. If you got hurt again under my watch... I wouldn't be able to look you in the eyes again let alone stomach the image of myself in the mirror. 

Seven Deadly Sins x Male Reader (2018)Where stories live. Discover now