S-class Exam Part 6: A Dangerous Scavenger Hunt...!!! 3: Gajeel and Levy

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Levy's POV

Hmm, Lu-chan's clue says:

"Deep in darkness hides your find,
Touched by the warmest glow of light.
To be saved it shall not die,
The gentlest breath shall win the fight."

"Laki, what do you think???" I ask, puzzled.

"Ummm, I don't know..." she replies, as confused as I am.

"It doesn't make sense... how would there be light in the darkness...? Unless....," I gasp. "The fireflies in the caves?!? Could one of the fireflies have the next clue??"

"Yeah!! That's probably it!! Levy, your so smart!!!" she giggles.

"N-not really..." I laugh. "Hm, I seem to recall the only cave being in the middle of the island, wrapped by the roots of the Tenrou tree... let's go see!" I smile.

When we reach the cave, even the entrance was as dark as death.

"Solid script: Light!" I chant.

A ball of light brightens the cave so we can see where we're going.

We walk deeper and deeper into the cave until it seems like there's going to be a dead end.

This cave seems more like a tunnel than a cave.

The whole time, no fireflies or any form of life is seen.

Suddenly, a light brighter than my spell light shines into our eyes.

I shield my eyes, unable to stand the brightness.

Laki does the same.

After a while, the brightness dies down a bit and we see what the source of light was.

A giant fire burning on a rock...?!?

Gajeel's POV

"Yo, Lily...WHAT DA HELL DOES THIS MEAN?!?!? Bunny girl is so mean....why'd she give us such a hard one?!?" I cry.

"I dunno..., your not even letting me look at the clue, so how am I supposed to know?" Lily sweatdrops.

"Uh, here read it. See if you can understand," I sigh. "If only Levy were here...she'd be able to solve it."


What you can feel,
what you can hear.
What you can see,
what you shall fear.
From where you came,
shall you find.

Interesting....." Lily murmurs.

"HOW IS IT INTERESTING?!?!? IT'S FREAKIN' CONFUSING!!!!!" I complain. "You can practically see, hear, and feel, ANYTHING!!!!"

"Let's see,...Gajeel, what do you fear?" Lily asks.

"Well,...nothing really...., hmmm," I rack my brain for something I ever feared. "Oh!"

I get nauseous just thinking about it....


My face turns green and I cover my mouth, sickened.

"What- ohhhhhh." Lily facepalms. "You're afraid of transportation, your motion sickness."

Lily stiffles a laugh.

"HEY!!! IT AIN'T FUNNY!!!!!" I clench my fists.

"Yeah, whatever, so, if you fear transportation... and we came to the island on a boat... maybe it's hidden on the boat." Lily smirks.

I feel my breakfast coming back up my throat...

Levy's POV

"Hey, Levy, look!! There's a clue in the fire!! It's glowing and it's yellow!!" Laki points in the fire.

Dark Secrets (A Fairy Tail fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें