S-class Exam Part 11: Attack on Tenroujima Part 3: Unexpected Battles

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Hm? Something feels wrong somehow...

"Ne Happy. Do you feel that weird dark presence?"

"Hsd? Siuf aohu neys sumfingd?" he mumbles, turning to face me.

"..." I sweatdropped. " I can't understand you if you have a fish in your mouth."

He takes a bite and holds the fish in his han- I mean, paws.

"But... you're Natsu... how can you not understand?"


"It doesn't...?"

"...NEVER MIND." I sighed.

Then, a loud scream pierced through the air.

I whipped my head in the direction of the scream.

It was Elfman.

"Natsu...? What was that??" Happy asked slowly.

"Eh. Beats me. Elfman probably got beaten by another tean, or got so frustrated by the clue that he got. He probably fried his brain from thinking too much. After all, all he says is MAN MAN MAN."

"Says the one who never thinks... I was expecting you to fry your brain..." Happy murmured.

"Tch. As if that will happen. I'm too smart." I snickered.

Happy opens his mouth to retort, but another scream cuts him off.

"Wendy!" My eyes widened.

Wendy was beaten by Romeo and that other girl. There's no way she would have encountered anyone else. She wouldn't be screaming over a clue anyways. What could have happened? She's supposed to be safe!

Then, I suddenly smelled the scent of some strange people.

People who aren't Fairy Tail members.

I growled.

Who do they think they are? Why are they here? How dare they!!!

"This isn't good. Let's go check it out Happy! Fly me over to where Wendy is!"

"Aye sir!!!"

ღ Wendyღ

"What do you mean Zancrow?!? How could you?!? We're only going after Zeref, so why would it matter if I'm friends with one of the Fairy Tail members??? That's not fair!!!" Meredy cries out, a betrayed look on her face.

"Tsk. They're our enemies. Master Hades wanted to eliminate them. So we will. You took their side. So I will kill you too.The world is unfair. What can you do? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Zancrow threw his head back and starting laughing like a maniac.

"No... that's horrible!!!!" I yelled, "How could you do that to your own fellow guild member and team member?!?"

"....." Meredy hung her head down, either ashamed or sad. "Enough Wendy... It's okay."


"No. I have seen him fight. We don't stand a chance against him. Not that I think you're weak or anything, but he's too strong. Master Hades trained him himself."


Meredy clenchs her fists and grinds her teeth.

"Oh?? What, the ity-bity girl is angry?? What you gonna do about it huh?!? You can't beat me,-"

"But I can." a deep voice called out.

"Aye!" another cheers.

Meredy and I both turned our heads in surprise.

I saw the owner of the voices and I smiled.

"Natsu-san!!!!! Happy!"

"Don't worry Wendy. I'll beat them and make them pay for what they did to you." Natsu clenched his fists.

"No! Meredy is a friend now! He's the real enemy here." I told him, pointing at Zancrow.

Natsu turned his head to Zancrow and glared at him.

"Oh? Another loser joins the club. Well, it won't make a difference. I'll kill you all no matter how many."

"Hmph. I'd like to see you try," Natsu smirked before turning serious. "You won't get away with what you did."

"Well we'll just have to see about that. Flame God's Bellow!!"


"Tch. Man this is so boring. Why do I have to help with the cooking!! I should be out in the forest getting animals to eat." I grumbled.

"Now, now Laxus. You should be glad I even let you cook. Who knows with you boys, you could burn everything!" Mira giggles.

"That's underestimating us guys. In fact, this guy over here is really good ad cooking, mind you." I said, jerking my thumb in Freed's direction.

"Ah!!! Laxus praised me, Laxus praised me!!!!" he cries tears of joy.

"..." I sweatdropped. "...are you even a man???"

Mira laughed.

Her laugh was so cute... like an angels laugh.

I don't get why she has demon takeovers. She should have angel take overs, or something.


Wait, did I really just think that?!?


Tsk. As much I hate to say it, Lucy was right.

I'm really getting soft.

"Laxus...?" I snapped back to focus.

Mira was peering at my face, her face inches from mine.


"Y-Yes? What."

She smiled, then pointed to the fish that I was grilling, now a burnt crisp.


"See? What did I tell you." Mira laughed. "You should just let Freed cook, if he's as good as you say."


Great. Now she thinks I suck.

It's not my fault she distracted me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A scream cut through the air.

I snapped my head to the direction of the scream.

"What is it now?" Mira tilted her head, confused.

"It's Evergreen. I heard her scream."

"What? But, right now they have the second part of the exam, which is finding Mavis' grave. I don't think they are battling, so no one should be getting hurt or screaming." Mira looked worried.

Suddenly, a scent hit me, and it was strong.


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