2- Kim Seok-Jin

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It wasn't that my fiancé was lacking in any other aspect.

Well, it seemed more often than not he was always a few steps ahead of normal boyfriend standards; if something in a man was good, he always had it better; if something a man does was attractive, he made it look more enticing, if some quality in a man was frowned upon, he always tried his best to avoid it at all costs and try to better himself.

For instance, let's talk about looks-wise, an area where he most certainly conquered.

To be quite honest, there hadn't been a single time we'd walked into a room or a public place when he hadn't been shamelessly ogled at. It happened naturally of course---Kim Seok-Jin's face should've come with a warning: Danger! You'll fall instantly in love! Pretty pouty lips always ready for surprise kisses, cute button nose scrunching up when indignant or just simply feeling up to it, wide eyes that seemed too earnest and innocent to be real, and easily the sweetest, most endearing smile ever spotted on a man, making his rosy cheeks look even plumper than usual---he was, for lack of a better word, ethereal.

And if one had worried before that a man this beautiful couldn't possibly have a personality on the same level has his physical appearance, Jin was always a reassurance that some men had the best of both worlds (which seemed a little unfair, but always sparked pride in me whenever I walked alongside him).

Caring, soft-spoken and eloquent, unwaveringly genuine, gentle, gut-wrenchingly hilarious, and endlessly kind to a fault, he always made it seem like being the most perfect person alive wasn't his goal, but a way of life he'd mastered completely. And if that wasn't enough to mark him as special, he paired the physical and the spiritual with a remarkable set of skills.

More often than not, I found myself staying up late purposefully just to have him lull me to sleep with his wonderful, soothing voice, coming and going out of my slipping consciousness like the ebb and flow of tide. True, his despise for dance never quite went away, but he certainly made up for his lack of past experience with rock-hard determination, a steely set of nerves, and dozens of hours of practice.

But none of all that was mentioned above was ever par with his cooking abilities. And certain instances when he cooked with every ounce of passion that he has onstage (maybe even more) proved that I'd made the right choice choosing to fall in love with him 365 days a year.

Let's take this day as an example.

I'd spent hours in the office, tirelessly working on my newest project for the company that seemed to take up the majority of my schedule no matter how early I got to work---mind you, I was rather fond of my job, so I didn't find the extra working hours bothersome.

That is, until they started cutting down the time I got to spend with my fiancé.

More often than not I'd be running up and out of the front door before he'd even had the chance to rub his eyes, only hurrying back to quickly cook up a quick meal for when he's back tired and hungry from practice, before holing myself up once again at the office for another six hours, determined beyond belief to finish the damned assignment before the end of the week.

So it came as a relief combined with sheer exhaustion to be finally done with it, yearning nothing more than to sprawl like a starfish in bed and allow sleep to consume me, regardless of the fact that I'd crumpled my work clothes---and that's exactly what I did.

A few hours of sleep felt like they'd passed in a blink of an eye after such a hectic schedule; in reality they'd been no less than 14 hours of being in a coma-like, completely unaware and unresponsive state.

That kind of sleep came with a price: grogginess that caused me to whine and grumble while getting out of bed, changing into my normal clothes, and yawning till my eyes watered, as I dreaded setting up lunch for two, wanting nothing more than to crawl back in bed and resort to more hours of sleep.

Padding my way into the kitchen, my ears perked up at the distinct clatter of utensils against pots and pans, curiosity getting the best of me as I peeked. I let the beautiful scene in front of me unfurl.

His bare broad shoulders were hunched over an audibly boiling pot, the tell-tale mouthwatering smell emanating from its depths informing me that it was none other than his famous chicken broth in the making. With his sweatpants swishing a little every time he made a move, he looked perfectly in his element as he began to chop the oregano into tiny pieces, a look of utter concentration as he distributed it evenly over the broth and another unknown pan sizzling.

Perched on his nose were his glasses, as he quite adorably squinted a little to read something on his phone, momentarily pausing his ministrations to nod at his phone screen, then resuming stirring yet another pot on the quite-busy stove.

He looked positively heartwarming, just like that---and to further increase my heart palpitations, the very moment I stepped into the kitchen properly, the overhead light shifted and caused his engagement ring to flash.

With a significant increase in my pulse rate, I quietly made my way over to him, and (quite reflexively might I add) wrapped my arms around his slim waist, my heart beating wildly as I came to discover just how warm his body was, the heat mingling with his own special scent---something so Seok-Jin---and nearly causing my breath to hitch.

I surrendered to my emotional needs, and just let my front embrace his warm back muscles, my cheek falling to rest against the tanned skin. A clang sounded, indicating that he'd placed the ladle he'd been using aside, wrapping his own arms around mine, cuddling back into my chest.

Normally, if someone had approached him with the same stealth I had as I did, he'd have probably jumped ten feet in the air and swatted the person off out of pure shock, but he remained unfazed, as though he'd predicted my appearance.

His body shook under me as he laughed a bit, rubbing my arms sweetly as we swayed a little, "Bad day yesterday?"

The simple question caused me to frown, nodding in reply, then realized that he couldn't see me from behind him.

"Yeah. Glad this project's finally over."

My fiancé turned to me with warm eyes wide as ever peering over his rimmed glasses, affectionately smiling before his lips did, "I cooked your favorite meal," he gestured behind him, one of his hands clasping around both of mine on his chest, "I didn't have the heart to wake you up this morning, so I took the day off and let you sleep in while I get lunch ready."

If my countenance had been ready to split in two with the smile before, then now I was definitely grinning like a maniac. Cheeks turning red at my lovesick stare, he swooped down to kiss me tenderly, eyes squeezed shut bashfully.

Contrary to popular belief, Jin was a man of very few words; scarcely did he ever speak of his emotions so openly in a way that would describe how he felt precisely. However, he also knew, mustering all of his courage and strength, how to pierce the heart with simple gestures and actions that revolved around short-word sentences: I love you. I care about you. I need you. I'm thinking of you.

As his perpetual pout was busy kissing me, I couldn't help but open my eyes and admire him from head to toe; from his mussed up dark locks falling in front of his glasses, to his pink slippers slightly pointed towards me---a mythical indication that the person was interested.

Pulling back with a dazed grin on my face to match his heavenly one, he tenderly ran his fingers through my hair, softly asking, "Want to stay in today and just cuddle?"

Nodding so fast I nearly snapped my head off, my eagerness seemed evident as I hurriedly replied, "Definitely. We need to make up for the last week and catch up on some more kisses."

Laughing his typical windshield wiper laugh with his face still handsomely flushed, he turned to the stove once again to tend to our meal, but not without tugging me along to curl against his bare chest, the rhythmic beating of his heart against my side causing me comfort like no other.

He was home.


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