Chapter 1

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Y/N= Your name
F/C = Favorite Color
A/C= Any color
H/C= Hair color
E/C= Eye color
S/C= Skin color


     "AAHHH!" I yelled, sitting straight up. I looked around to see I was sitting in my regular old room. I checked the time.

4:46 AM. Better than usual. I took a deep breath and stood up, I already knew I wasn't going to sleep soon.

I changed out of my pjs and slid into a F/C shirt and a pair of shorts [You guys can change the clothing if you want]. I peaked through my door, checking to see if anyone was up. The coast was clear.

I quickly slid down the stairs to the kitchen. Since I was up, I decided I should make breakfast before I forgot. I grabbed a bowl with some (favorite cereal) and milk. I quickly grabbed a spoon and sat down at the table and began to eat.

     I get these horrible nightmares. They used to be normal, ones you can usually decipher the meaning. But recently, they've been more frequent and confusing.  And they've all been the same dream too. An apocalypse.

     I only get to see a few seconds of it. But it's enough to keep me up at night. The screaming, the blood, it's just too much.

     I tried to put the thoughts of the nightmare off to the side as I ate. Which was hard.

Once I finished eating, I set my bowl and spoon in the sink. I tip-toed to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and put the volume real low. Low enough for me to hear, but not loud enough to wake the whole house like last time.

I got lucky and (favorite movie) was on the moment. It was a few minutes before I heard a door open.


Darn it.

I looked up to the stair case to see my mother. I slump into my chair, "Hi Mom...."

She walked down the stairs and moved towards me, "Another nightmare?"


She sighed, "It might help if you tell me what they're about."

"I- I can't," I say, shaking my head.

She sat beside me on the couch, "Of course you can."

"I... I don't- can't describe them..."

It was silent for a few seconds until my mom spoke up. "Well," She said, "Remember when you said you wanted to go with your friends Dipper and Mabel to Gravity Falls this summer?"

I sit up, "Yeah? What about it?"

"Well, your father and I talked about it, we called Dipper and Mabel's parents, and they agreed to pay for the bus tickets."

My eyes widened, "So I can actually go?!"

"Shh," Mom hushed, "Your father's still sleeping. But, yes, your going to leave tomorrow. Short notice, I know, but we didn't get to call the Pines until last week."

I got so exited I wanted to scream. But I kept my mouth closed so I wouldn't.

"I can see your excited," she said standing up. "How about you go and get packed?"

I nod excitedly, and jumped off the couch and ran up to my room to begin my packing for the the best summer of my life.


     I looked up to the bus that would take me to my summer. To be honest, I was a little nervous. I've never been this far away from my parents for this long. Plus, I've never even been to Gravity Falls in my life!

I watched as Mabel and Dipper climbed onto the bus. I turned around and saw my parents. I ran up and hugged them.

"Love you," I said. "See you at the end of the summer."

"Love you too," they said union, letting me go. I turned around and took a deep breath. I entered, giving the bus driver my ticket. I looked out onto the many rows and saw Dipper and Mabel near the back. It was only two to a seat, but an extra seat was open beside them.

I walked over and sat down next to the window, setting my stuff beside me. By the time I sat down, the bus began to move. The next thing I knew, we were driving 60 mph down the highway.

"Are you excited, Y/N?" Mabel asked from across the aisle. Dipper was sitting by the window reading a book.

"Are you kidding? After hearing all those stories about your adventures, how could I not be excited?" I responded.

"Yeah! Plus, you are going to love my friends Candy and Grenda!"

"Yeah," I said, then whispered, "I'm not so sure about that..." After hearing about them, it sounds like they're exactly like Mabel. I don't think I can handle three Mabels.

"What did you say?" Mabel asked, leaning in closer.

"Oh!" I exclaim, not knowing what to say. "Um, it was nothing..."

It was silent for a moment.

"Alright then!" said a cheerful Mabel.

"Is there anything I need to know before we arrive at Gravity Falls?" I asked.

"Well, the people in Gravity Falls are quite... colorful... Oh! And stay out of the forest unless Dipper or I are with you," she informed.

"Because of bears and stuff?"

"We were being serious about the monsters, Y/N," said Dipper chiming in.

"Well look who decided to join the conversation," I said jokingly.

"What? This is a good book," Dipper said waving the book he was reading towards me.

"But, Dipper's right, the forest can be unsafe. It good to have some Gravity Falls experts with you," Mabel said proudly.

"Yeah..." I said looking out the window. We didn't really talk much after that.

     To be honest, I didn't really believe in all the monster stuff. One of the reasons why I wanted to come was because I wanted to see if all this weird stuff was real. Plus, the twins said something about an armageddon one day. But once I asked about it, they quickly changed the subject.

This is the main reason I wanted to come. This armageddon that may have happened could maybe explain these nightmares. Then maybe, some day in the future, the nightmares will stop.

I grabbed my phone and headphones from my bag. I put in the earbuds and began to play some music. I was bored so why not? As we drove into the state of Oregon, I simply just listened to music and watched the scenery fly by.

I had almost fell asleep from being so sleep deprived when the bus stopped with a jolt and someone began to shake me. I opened my eyes and sat up.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"Y/N, wake up!" Mabel called. "We're here! We're in Gravity Falls!"

Nightmares (Bill x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat