"Depending on their age is how much they are assigned." Alfred jerked his head to the two elder children,DC and Delaware, "I'd have the older ones fill out bill applications and look through finalizing permits, budget requests and so on. With some time to check it over together afterwards of course."

"Whatever else remains is usually my job with the help of their respective state-representatives."

"That's... a lot of work-" Germany paused to think a little and spoke to himself but was heard, "How many of your children are old enough to do work like these two?" He also gestured to the two teens.

"I'd say about the first 20?" Alfred seemed unsure but explained why, "I also have to factor that the work weight is on a spectrum reliant on their age. So the first 13 have a larger role in their government. From then on, meaning ages 16 and lower, the work decreases to just reading papers and approving of smaller cases or investments. I like to think of it as government schooling but it's the real thing. Something to start small and get them the introduced to the work we do without all the overwhelming-ness."

The father spoke fast, not making direct eye contact with any of the adult's presented before him as he let his thoughts run. Finally taking a breath to himself:


"With supervision of course!" He added the last bit thinking that was why his coworkers were left speechless.

He wanted them to know that children are not running his land unsupervised. What would they think of him? Unprofessional of a superpower like him. But then they might accuse him of overworking his children, which is also something he'd never do. Being accused of letting his children run like "wild animals" (Alfred could hear the man's voice despite the words never being said) was hurtful enough to hear from a former parental figure. He can only imagine what they'd say about him when he left the room, or what they'd say-

"That's a lot of work!" Italy repeated Germany's previous statement, but there was no other way to react to this revelation.

"And you're sure this is not overworking yourself?" Even the always-hyper Prussia timidly spoke up with a face of concern that didn't suit him.

"We make sure he takes his breaks." DC reassured the worry ridden nations readjusting her glasses. That seemed to satisfy them for the moment.

"'C'mon!" Delaware turned from where he was standing and walked to the countries' right. He crossed the room and led them through the hall.

"You're already familiar with this wing of the house." DC informed speed-walking to catch her brother. "This room we refer to as the commons area."

The atmosphere was calm with the chatter of older looking states filling the air. They sat at tables or couch sets doing homework, looking over papers, holding meetings or just relaxing in the comfort of each other.

A few kids had noticed the intruding group and offered small waves or had choose to ignore them preferring to stay on task with little distraction.

"Hey y'all?" A boy addressed the room not knowing his father was right behind him.

A few hummed in answer without adverting their gazes from screens and papers.

"Can someone look up the name of that one New York political company that was, like, super toxic?" He was flipping through a few open books on his desk, "I think it was early 1900's? I'm too lazy to get my laptop."

Alfred's 50 Plus 1(aph States) (UNDER EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now