1. The beginning of the end...

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Riley's POV:

"Sweetheart you have to wake up. Mr Ferrari wants to see you." My dad softly spoke while shaking my shoulder.
"Mmmm" I mumbled while pulling the covers over my face.
"Come on sister, if you get up now you can look a little less ugly." My brother smirked while resting his arm on the door frame. I throw my pillow at him and it hits him straight in the face. He grabs it while it's still against him and stumbles backwards. My dad chuckles at me and pats my leg and I reluctantly get out of bed.

My brother throws my pillow at me while I walk into my bathroom but I catch it and blow him a kiss. He huffs off in a mood and I can't help but laugh.

I shower and brush my teeth and look into my wardrobe deciding what to wear. I mean I'm meeting the boss so I have to look presentable.

I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a black knitted sweater to go under my black leather jacket. I throw my hair up into a messy low bun and put light make up on with a smokey eye. I grab my black boots and run down the two flights of stairs and walk into the kitchen.

"Well don't you look absolutely beautiful sweetheart." My dad said smiling more with each word.
"Thanks dad." I replied while running up to him and hugging him.
"You still look ugly." My brother said with his mouth full.

I grab a piece of bread and pop it in the toaster and when it's done I put peanut butter on it and begin to eat.

"Who's driving then?" My brother said pulling me out of the peace.
"What do you mean?" I asked while grabbing my glass of water.
"Mr Ferrari wants to meet the both of us." He replied with a fake smile.
No matter how much Cole and I argue he is one of the few people I trust the most.
"Come on, don't want to be late, we are driving to HQ." He said while placing his dish in the dishwasher.
"What, why that's almost two hours away?" I harshly asked.
"Ask him." He replied while grabbing his keys out of the dish. I rinse my glass out and follow my brother to his red mustang.

We drive for and hour and forty five minutes and finally pull up to HQ which is a cover because we work for the mafia. I know it's strange for a seventeen year old girl to work for the mafia but it's all I have known. I have trained for every situation my whole life and I'm extremely happy with my life.

We walk through the glass doors and walk towards the brown oak desk in the centre.

"Mr and Ms Miller, always a pleasure to see you both. Mr Ferrari is in his office and ready for you both." The blonde bombshell smiled at us and Cole gave his signature smirk as we walk away.

We walk up to the bulletproof black door and I knock.

"Come in."

Cole and I enter and sit in our normal seats on his couch and Francesco begins walking over to us.

"Oh my look at you both, I know you will be the reason we still exists in the future." He said laughing.
Cole and I joined him and we all stopped at the same time.

"Anyway I need you both to do something for me."
"As you know my family and I live near you as well to keep work and pleasure separate. However my son wants nothing to do with the mafia which I have come to expect but Borya the leader of the Russian mafia wants my son dead, and I simply can't have that. So I'm asking you two to pretty much protect him with your lives." He smiled.

"Okay what do we have to to do exactly?" My brother asked while leaning forward resting his elbows on his knee.
"Go to school with him, go everywhere he goes and one of you will have to live with him for a while as I have to leave for a little while." He continued. My jaw drops. I thought he was just going to ask us to watch from a distance.
"Okay." I said with a fake smile but it's a good fake smile I mean I work for the Italian mafia.

We iron out all of the details and when we are complete we make our way back home.

First chapter...
Let me know what you think I am trying something different with this story.

Please don't be a silent reader if anyone actually reads this...

S xo

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