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You were shoved to your knees and was told "don't move from this damn spot, I'll be back in 5 minutes" and then you heard him leave.

A few min later, you ripped your blindfold off and looked up. A dead tall tree was in front of you. You put your blindfold at the bottom of the tree and ran.

You ran and ran.

You saw headlights following you, he knew you escaped.

You cut through someone's yard and hid beside a car. You watched as he turned a corner, and you went to the front of the car so he couldn't see you.

Once he was out of sight, you ran home.

You burst through the front door. And your grandma  was standing there.

"Fancy of you to fucking show up."

Your whole family is abusive, so their cold welcome didn't come as a surprise.

"I was kidnapped!" You yelled as she called the police.

She was talking to them and brought up the fact that you said you was kidnapped.

"I'm afraid since she is a minor we have to bring her down for questioning" the police man said on the phone.

"We're coming to pick her up now."

"Fine" your grandma said. "Just don't make us look like a fool and lie."

The police came a few min later and took you to the station.

The police man's name was Jungkook.

"So, you're claiming that you were kidnapped and rapped?" You nodded. "But you have no marks on your body to prove it?" You nodded again. "Right...can you tell me details of the man?" "I can't...I was blindfolded..." "right...well I honestly believe you are making all this up and I have things to do so our detectives will take over now." He gets up and leaves.

The police man had a nice ass, but I guess you have what you are.

You pulled out your phone and messaged Deku. He said he's on his way.

Once You put your phone away, 2 detectives came in. One sat at the desk, another sat on the couch by the door.

"Hello my name is Hobi. And this is my partner Yoongi."

You nod. "Tell us everything."
As you were telling them everything you could remember, hobi stopped you. "For someone who was blindfolded, you have given me too much detail. Your story is honestly too fake. I don't think we can help you." He sighed. "Look, I get it. You went out partying with friends, you just didn't want to admit it. I get it. Don't make up lies."

"I'm not lying I'm telling the truth!"

"Right." He gets up, and so does Yoongi. You start crying as the 2 detectives leave the room.

"Why won't anyone fucking believe me?!"

Word count: 467

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