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The rest of the night was boring. You acted like you were asleep, so he couldn't use you anymore. You came up with a plan, and you were going to do it in the morning. But, a smaller plan was about to be put in action.

"H-hey" you said. "What" "my legs are cold...can I have my pants back on..?" You heard the chair creak as he got off of it. He grabbed your pants off the floor, and helped you get them on.
"Are you still tired?" "Yes."

"Get the fuck back to sleep then."

You did as you were told.

You waited and waited until you assume it was around 8, the sun was beating down on your feet. Sunrise.

You pretended to stretch and then you felt him get on top of you and start kissing your neck.

"I-I have to pee" You stuttered out, and once again he pulled you by your hair and the back of your neck as he took you down the stairs again and to the bathroom. He sat you down on the toilet and stood there.

"I can't pee with you standing there..."

He turned around. "I'm turned around. Pee."

"I want some privacy...I promise I won't do anything but please let me have some privacy."

He sighed. "2 min. Hurry." He leaves and shuts the door behind him. You waited a few seconds and then pushed up the blindfold. You got up and quietly locked the door.

You looked around. There was a pair of shoes with kangaroos as a logo. Green shower curtains. You touched the mirror, and then you touched the toilet lid.

"Hurry yo in there!" He yelled and you shivered. "I'm just peeing"

You pulled out your phone, and clicked on deku's contact name. You shot a message

Name: Deku🥦💚
Subject: SOS
Help me please He is going to kill me!

Notification: are you sure you want to airdrop your location?

"What the hell are you doing?! Hurry up!" He starts walking towards the door."

'Shit!' You think to yourself as you quickly say yes and it airdrops the location, you quickly shut off your phone and throw it in your pocket again, and flush the toilet and put your blindfold back on, but you left it so you can see out the bottom of it.

At that moment he burst down the door and pulled your hair. "The fuck are you doing locking doors huh?? Then fuck were you doing! I could kill you right here, right now do you want to die?!" "No! No please no! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" You scream and start balling your eyes out

"That's what I fucking thought!"

He took you back upstairs. White stairs with green carpet on them.

He put you back on the bed and you used you once again, roughly.

So roughly you bled

Word count: 488

Killer| Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now