8) The Trilogy Masquarade: Part 1

Start from the beginning

The only thing on your feet are clean white socks, as white as snow, and, you see from walking out the door with Haruhi, Drizzel has a pretty pair of heels on her feet. Where could she possibly get those from?

"I'll just go in my socks, it's fine," you say, a little dissapointed. "Oh, alright, again, I'm really sorry," Haruhi says as you both speedwalk to catch up to Drizzel. At least they're clean and with a little lace around the top of the sock, you think, trying to remain positive.

"Oh wait, here are your masks," she says, not even looking back, and she tosses them on the floor. They're both white. At least the color matches my socks!
The Masquerade:
The prince with the left parted hair sits, terribly bored, drumming his fingers on the table, next to his brother.

"This is so boring," says Hikaru, sounding drowsy. "They're all wearing the same thing, all fake smiles," he says, obviously disappointed.

"I know," says Kaoru, glancing over to the servant's entrance where they're bringing out various drinks and finger foods. Noticing this, Hikaru says, "don't worry, I already checked, all the servants are required to be here tonight to help out with the festivities."

"Oh, ok," says Kaoru dismissively, and Hikaru smiles a little and teases, "I know you're looking for her." With that, he stands up and tells his brother that he's going to try and sneak them some champagne. "Stay here, maybe you'll see her," Hikaru says, already walking off. "But I'm not!," shouts Kaoru, but Hikaru has already disappeared into the crowd of eager girls.

Am I, I'm not, right? She's just a maid. I've barely talked to her and she's just a maid, he thinks, barely watching the entering princesses and higher ups again. But for some reason you are looking for her, says that deep dark part of his mind. Sighing, he takes a sip of water and continues watching the attendees.
Back to you, about to enter:
Nervously, you shift your weight back and forth from foot to foot as you wait and line for your entrance to be announced. "Now introducing princess Ella (make up a last name)," says the dignified announcer in a booming voice as you smile, looking down at the sea of purple below you.

Walking down the stairs, a little fast, in your socks, you soon join the ocean and excitedly walk around. Haruhi and Drizzel have already gone before you and they're lost, and suddenly it strikes you that you have nothing to do next.

Wandering over to a group of fancy looking princesses, you say hello and they give you a peculiar look. "Oh, hi," says one, obviously in form with her manners. "We were just chatting about which prince is cuter," she says, sounding dreamier, and the other two princesses, all holding fans, flutter them lightly towards their faces.

"Don't you have a fan?," says one of the other princesses, who must be at least a foot taller than you. "Yeah, take it out, aren't you flustered by how cute they are," says a ginger haired princess, face completely flushed in a color that matches her hair.

"Uh, oh no," you stutter, and the princess who talked first continues the conversation. "That's not good etiquette," she says, and then continues what must have been the conversation before you'd arrived. "I don't care which one I get, as long as I get one of them," she says, and all three of them sigh in synch.

"Who would you prefer though," she says, directing the question at you. "Prefer?," you say, obviously confused. "Well, yeah, aren't you here to court the princes?," says the ginger, giving you a look of equal confusion.

"Of- of course," you says nervously, and start to fan yourself with your hand. "What are you doing?," says the tall princess in disbelief. "Fanning myself?," you say, sounding like you're asking a question. "Didn't your mother or head maid ever teach you anything of use,?" sputters out the original, losing her composure.

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