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(n.) the ritual of enjoying life's simple pleasures, friends, family, graciousness.



A young girl in a denim jumpsuit is standing in front of the pickup counter, hands covering her mouth. The high pitch sound that was originated from the broken glass is enough to get people's attention outside the café. It could be heard even if it's fifty meters away.

For a moment, there's an absolute silence crawled across this room. This incident made several customers shifted their attention to the little girl. As she becomes overwhelmed by the awful situation, she receives many comments and whispers from other customers. They're gazing at her as if she had committed a crime.

She's terrified out of her skull. Her head is hanging down low due to the sudden spotlight she's in. I could see her lips quivering while wiping every single tear that slides down to her cheeks.

To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to what she was doing only until this moment. I could see the cup violently breaks into small bits of glass which aimlessly shattered all over the place. The milkshake that has stained her white shirt makes it seemed like it loses its original color. Not even a single drop remains in her hand.

Luckily, the curly-haired waiter has an immediate reaction to the incident. He somehow already got an enormous mop in his hand that has been soaked into a bucket full of soapy water. I'm impressed by how fast-paced the servers are.

He's working thoroughly on every corner making sure not a single stain remained. The café didn't recruit this guy just because he needed a job, but they surely needed him. He's a perfect person for this café.

After he did his job, another person came in to extend out the yellow caution sign, settled it nicely right above the wet area. Hopefully, it would be noticeable for customers to read therefore it wouldn't lead to a dreadful disaster.

"Hey, could you make your mind up quickly?" A person gently tapped my shoulder.

My sudden reflex made me turn around abruptly. It made my jaw dropped to the floor as soon as I realize there's a long cue behind me. The cue got outstretched so much from the first second I got here. No wonder how professional the servers are.

To be honest, I didn't expect this café to have this many customers since it's located between two large buildings, more like a hidden place. Through the times I spent my time getting distracted by her, how long have I been standing here?

Not only was I shocked by the long cue, indeed the person's voice made me jumped a bit. There's no evidence that she's mad for sure but her facial expression says it all. It's totally fine because she was right and it also made me remember what I was about to do.

"I'm sorry for your inconvenience but are you ready to take your order? I'll let you step aside and you order after you have decided." The server behind the counter moved his hands indicate me to go aside.

"Um, I'll come back to you after a minute" I hold up my index finger indicating him to take the other order first. I slowly stepped aside and he started to take orders for the person behind me.

I looked up to their menu's list. My eyes go through every beverage that is available in the menu list. It's interesting how they are divided into three categories: freshly brewed coffee, flavored tea, and sweet beverages.

Caramel macchiato would be nice to start up my morning but since they have plenty of other beverages, I wanted to try something more exciting than my usual dose of coffee.

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