Chapter 10 (Part 2)

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"Hey boys!" Jane said while standing next to a cute blonde guy and his blue eyed friend.

I looked around the guys and almost fainted because they all looked like freaking Abercrombie models!

"Hey" the cute blonde guy said while smirking at Jane.

I looked towards Maddie and saw her flirting with a cute red haired guy.

I look towards my right and noticed a cute guy with black hair and blue eyes staring at me while smirking.

I smirked and walked towards him slowly.

He stared at me and said "Hey."

"Hey, what's your name cutie?"

He chuckled and said "Lee, what about you beautiful?"

I giggled and said "Allison."

He smirked. "Oh what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you."

I tried not go laugh at what he said but failed miserably and started laughing.

He cocked his head to the side before asking "Everything ok?"

I stopped laughing and tried to get some oxygen before saying " Yeah, it's just that I have heard that more than once actually."

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

Was he nervous?

"Err yeah sorry for the sappy lines..."

Oh my God he was blushing!

I chuckled and said "Nah don't worry, you at least tried."

He chuckled and stared at me.

"Um do I have something in my face?" I asked while touching my face.

He smiled. "No you don't, it's just that... You're really pretty Allison, has anyone told you that?"

I blushed. "Yes, but I don't mind if you say it."

He chuckled and said "You're so different,"

I giggled and said "It's that a good thing or a bad thing?"

He smirked. "You didn't let me finish. You're different and I like it."

I rolled my eyes and looked towards where the boys were still laughing with the bimbos but when I saw what they were doing my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Esteban was now applying some sun block on a blonde bimbo while Sebastian and Zach flirted with two fucking bimbo sluts.

I gritted my teeth before turning back around.

I looked towards Jane and noticed she was looking towards where the boys were.

I looked towards Lee and noticed he was staring at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher.


"Is your boyfriend one of them?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "W-what?"

He gritted his teeth and said "Those guys you were just looking at."

"No, he's actually just a stupid guy I fell for but soon enough discovered that he's just a fucking dick with a big ass of an ego" I said while looking towards Esteban who was currently flirting with that blonde bimbo.

He chuckled. "Ouch, I could be ok with that but I'm kind of the half that you just described,"

I smirked and turned around. "Well you don't seem to be an ass or a man whore, or am I wrong?"

He smirked. "Nah, I'm neither of those, but I'm kind of a bad guy and well I have a big ass of an ego..."

I chuckled and stared at him.

"You know I'm kind of into bad boys and plus I think I can control your big ass of an ego that you have" I said while placing both of my arms around his neck.

I stared at him and noticed that besides the blue turquoise beautiful eyes and the long black hair that was in a messy yet sexy way he also had a straight nose, he had a bit of a tan, he had three piercings on one ear and two on the other, a nose piercing, his whole upper body including but both his arms were completely tattooed, he was taller than me and had a fine ass of a body.

I kept staring at him and noticed that he was checking me out.

I cleared my throat. "Like what you see?"

He smirked and said "I actually do."

My mouth hung low while I stared at him.

He chuckled and suddenly pressed his body against mine.

I gulped and stared at his lips.

I lifted my gaze and noticed that he was staring at my lips.

I lifted his chin up and said "Eyes are up here."

He smirked and suddenly he pressed his lips against mine taking me by surprise.

I kissed him back while he wrapped both of his arms around my waist.


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