Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes and tried to move when suddenly I felt a hand tighten around me.

I looked towards my left and saw Esteban sleeping while his right hand was around my waist and the other was by his side.

He looked so adorable.

I rolled my eyes at my thought before grabbing his arm and placing it by his side.

I got up and went towards my bathroom.

I did my daily routine and grabbed a big black t-shirt that I had that reached to the middle of my tights and put it on along a clean pair of panties.

I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen and went towards the stove.


I was placing the eggs and bacon in different plates when suddenly I felt two warm hands grab me by my waist.

"Good morning beautiful," Esteban said before placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

He nuzzled his head on my neck while I stayed frozen. He suddenly lifted his head and titled it a little so he was looking at me.

Why are you being such a bitch, Allison?

"What's wrong?"

I stared at him and then grabbed the other eggs before placing them on another plate.

"Nothing," I answered in a monotone voice.

He pulled apart and stared at me. I grabbed the plates and placed them on the table, ignoring his eyes on me.

I went to grab the other plate when suddenly he grabbed me by the arm gently.

"What's wrong?" he asked again, his eyes full of worry and concern.

I yanked my arm back and clenched my jaw.

"Nothing," I repeated while placing the plate on the table, making a loud 'bang'

He flinched and went towards the side of the table before sitting down.

I grabbed two bottles of apple juice and placed them on the table. He grabbed one and I grabbed the other one.

We started eating in complete silence, neither of us talking.


I grabbed the plate and placed it on the sink before grabbing the empty bottle of juice and trowing it in the trash can.

"When you're done place the plate on the sink, I'll see you at school."


I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.

"Can't I take you to school?"

"Thanks but no, see you at school Esteban."

I let out a sigh before walking up the stairs.

I grabbed his back pack and his clothes and placed them outside my bedroom door before closing it and locking it.

I grabbed my beats pill and my iPhone before plugging it and pressing play to the song 'Bad' (Remix) by Rihanna ft Wale.

I grabbed a pair of black lace panties, a matching bra and my towel before getting in the bathroom and closing the door.

I placed the beats pill and my iPhone on top of the closed toilet before placing my towel and underwear on top of the sink.

I turned the water on and grabbed the hem of my shirt before lifting it up and throwing it to the floor.

I got in and let the cold water hit my skin instantly relaxing my muscles.

"Allison" I hear from outside my bedroom door.

I slid down the shower's wall and hug my knees to my chest before letting out sobs.


I walk towards my closet and grab a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a white crop top and my black vans.

I get dressed, walk towards my bathroom and start applying a slight amount of make up.

After I'm done I comb my hair and grab my things before getting out of my bedroom and walking down the stairs.

I look around and see no sign of Esteban. I let out a sigh and walk towards the kitchen.

I look towards the table and notice that the plate is gone, the plates that were in the sink are nowhere to be seen and that there's a sticky note on top of the table.

I walk towards it and pick it up.


I don't know if I said or did something wrong but if I did I'm sorry. I don't know if I scared you or something but it's not my fault, I just try to always be a gentleman after it. I hope you're ok. Thanks for yesterday night. ;)

Take care, beautiful.


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