Chapter 26

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I wake to Esteban making breakfast for everyone. Curious by the smell of sausages, I peek over his shoulder and kiss it. He angles his face to me and smiles, kissing my cheek. I try to hide my blush and sit in a bar stool just as Esteban turns to place a plate of scrambled eggs and sausages in front of me, next to orange juice.

"Thanks," I smile a little as Maddie sits next to me.

"Hayo!" She greets. "Hey Ban-Ban, mind serving me and Zach some of that yum yum?"

Esteban chuckles and scrambles around for more plates while Maddie serves two glasses of orange juice. "Where's Zach?" I ask.

"Bathroom, brushing his teeth." His girlfriend responds.

I chew on my food as Esteban sits by my side. Zach joins Maddie and we eat calmly.

Jane greets us, wearing Sebastian's shirt like usual. She serves herself a plate and smiles nonchalantly. We hear one of the doors, and I turn my head to see Sebastian walk out shirtless. His hair is a mess and he winces a little while smirking when he stretches his back. His eyes find Jane and he winks at her before turning to serve a plate. We see the scratches all over his back, still red, and then Jane stands up, walks to him, and that's when I notice the limp.

She stands on tippy toes and kissed Sebastian's cheek softly and sensually, giggling a little. The shirt raises and I notice a corner of her bare hips. I grimace.

Zach begins to clap suddenly. "Good going, Sebby!" He shouts, whooping alone.

Maddie blinks and catches on, wiggling her eyebrows she comments, "I knew I heard a bed creak!"

Esteban smirks at his brother and I chuckle at Jane's blush. She covers her face behind Sebastian's chest, and the guy chuckles deeply. "Last night was amazing," he brags.

Jane slaps his arm softly and blushes further. "You broke my only pair of pan-"

"ALRIGHT," I interrupt.

"It was so worth it," Sebastian mumbles grinning and sitting down to eat his breakfast.

"Shush!" Jane hisses getting redder.

"With your sweet, bouncy-"

"That's enough," Maddie scolds shuddering dramatically.

Sebastian smirked. "Alright, but don't think you won't be hearing it from Jane herself,"

Jane scoffed. "They won't,"

He chuckled. "Sure... Like if I didn't know that you girls gossip about that too."

"Alright, that's it!"

Next thing I know food was flying literally everywhere.

"Guys! We're in a hotel! For the love of God stop!" I tried stoping it but all I got was a toast on the face.

I grabbed a handful of sausages and threw them at Esteban's face.

He turned around and smirked.

"Oh shit!" I quickly ran but slipped and fell on my butt.

He grinned and walked towards me.

He grabbed an egg and cracked it open on top of my head.

I gasped when I felt the cold and sticky liquid on my head.

I smirked and kicked his leg so he fell on top of me.

I quickly got on top of him before grabbing a cup of orange juice and throwing it on top of his head.

I got up but he quickly grabbed my hand and yanked me down.

I whimpered and looked up at him.

He smiled and grabbed a piece of hair that was on my face before placing it behind my ear.

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