Chapter 15

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So as I suspected we all got detention for 4 weeks every Tuesday and every Wednesday after school.

"Why the fuck me?" I ask out loud.

"Because remember what the principal said, you lied since you basically said yes when the nurse asked you if he hurt you and well since it was a lie w-"

I groaned. "Oh fucking shut up Lee!"

"You are both fucking idiots" I said while glaring towards both Lee and Esteban.

Lee smirked at me while Esteban winked towards me.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards my locker to get my back pack out of my locker since it was already time to leave school.

I grabbed my back pack and closed the locker door before walking towards the entrance of the school.

I was about to pass the janitors closet when suddenly the door opened and somebody grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in before closing the door and locking it.

"What the hell?! Who are you?!" I yelled.

The person turned the light bulb that was above us on before taking a few steps towards me.

"What the hell do you want, Nathan?"

"I wanted to talk to you since you didn't have any intentions of waiting for me outside the school so I took matters of my own."

"You wanna talk? Well talk," I said while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Listen, I'm really sorry for last week at the party. I really didn't mean any of the things I said to you that night. I was just trying to get you to break up with me so you wouldn't get hurt. I'm r-"

I scoffed. "Really? Get hurt?"

"Just let me explain, please."

I groaned. "Fine, go on."

"I used to work for Erik, he was using me so he could know everything you did and everywhere you went, he was basically using me to spy on you, at first I was ok with it but after I got to know you better I started falling for you more and more. I told him that I wanted to stop and he threatened me so I continued working for him. I couldn't take it anymore, he said he would kill both you and me if I stopped working for him. I cheated on you that day so you wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I did it so he would stop using me to spy on you. I really cared for you Allison. What we had, it was never a lie. I really loved you."

I started with my mouth slightly agape trying to process everything he just said to me.

"So when I met you, your intentions were just to spy on me? You never liked me from the first time like you told me?"

"I did but at the same time I was doing it for him."

"Why did you have to cheat on me? Couldn't you just tell me like a normal person? We could had worked something out."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you."

"You say that he was threatening you, right?"

He nodded.

"Well how come he didn't do anything to you when you told him you were gonna stop working for me?"

"I didn't stop working for him, he still thinks that were together. I haven't told him that we broke up."



"Please I just want one thing. Can you forgive me? I'm really sorry Allison."

"I don't know if I can forgive you, but I'll try."

"So can we get back t-"

"No, we are not gonna get back together. Not even friends. You cheated on me Esteban with two fucking girls. You gotta understand that what you did was really wrong, it hurt me a lot Nathan. It's gonna take a long time for me to forgive you. I don't know if we could be friends in the future so I can't promise you anything.

He frowned. "I understand. Just know that I'm really sorry for what I did and that I feel like a total dick about it. I hope that you forgive me one day and that we can at least be friends in the future. Take care Allison."

He opened the door and was about to walk out when suddenly he stopped.

He turned around and said "By the way I haven't stopped loving you."

I stared at him shocked while I watched him get out and close the door.

I frowned and let out a sob.

I slid down towards the floor and started crying until darkness took over me.



I opened my eyes and saw Esteban kneeling in front of me.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I started looking for you everywhere since you disappeared and when I checked here I saw you lying on the floor, asleep."

He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up.

I stood up. "Thanks,"

"You were looking for me?"

"Yeah, I was just looking for you to ask you if you needed a ride back home."

I smiled and pecked him on his cheek leaving him completely shocked with his mouth slightly open.

"Thanks, now come on, you're my taxi so hurry up I wanna get home."

I opened the door and walked out of the janitors closet before walking outside the school towards Esteban's car.

"Hey wait up!" Esteban yelled from behind me.

I turned around. "What?!"

He pulled both of his hands up on the air in a 'surrender' way.

"Woah there tiger, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry, for everything."

I bit my lip and raised my right hand before slapping him.

His head moved to the left from the impact.

He caressed his now red left cheek before saying "Yup, I deserved that."

"I forgive you, asshole."


I smirked. "Yup, that's your new nickname, asshole."

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's get you home."

I smiled and opened the passenger's door before getting in and closing the door.

He got in and turned the engine on before putting the car in reverse and stepping on the gas pedal.

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