Chapter 2

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The blond boy sat on his cot, trying to take everything in. There was a large window to the left of him showing a rather vast city scene, but the large tower gave away his location. He lived in Paris?

He tried racking his brain as hard as he could to figure out how he knew that, all in vain. It just seemed to be simple human knowledge, yet he couldn't trail it back to anything.

He was alone. And scared. And nothing felt right. He just wanted to go back to sleep and pretend none of this hap—

"Are you going to pretend I don't exist or have you really not noticed me yet?"

The sudden voice knocked him out of his train of thought and he nearly fell out of the cot. He turned to see a beautiful woman lounged against the wall in the corner, studying him coldly. Something about her got him on his nerves.

"Who are you?"

"The better question is who are you, actually," She walked towards the cot, her ice blue eyes sweeping him over as if to check for a mistake in a science experiment.

Adrien took the opportunity, "Yeah, actually, who am I? It's not like I just woke up with amnesia not knowing who I am or what happened to me or anything." The words rolled effortlessly off his tongue, almost like he was used to using snarky comebacks. Maybe he was, not that he'd know. He didn't want to be mean, but with this lady it just felt natural, almost instinctive.

"I see you haven't changed much," the lady spoke, confirming his theory, "Always Ke— Adrien Agreste."

"So my last name's Agreste! Glad we figured that out, but who are you?"

"You can call me Madame Gisela," she replied, "I'm your neighbor."

Adrien tensed at the name and his instincts told him that this was not a woman to be trusted. Her ice blue eyes bored into his yet again, except this time he didn't know why. She stood rigidly at the end of the bed, and he got a feeling she was hiding something. What could she be hiding?

No, this was all a mistake. He just had amnesia and everything was mixed up in his brain. If this woman was here, then she must be at least somewhat trustworthy. Why was he getting such a dreaded feeling just from being in her presence?

"Well at this rate it looks like I'll never know what happened to me," he didn't try to hide the edge in his voice.

"All I know is you almost died because you were fighting a villain," she mumbled, staring at her nails as if she was disinterested.

"Does that mean I'm a superhero?" He asked, perking up at the implications.

"Yes, but I don't know much more than that. Someone else will have to explain everything else to you." She looked off into the distance, almost like she was trying to decide how much she should say. She looked back at him with a new expression, as if she were trying to get him to understand something, "Just know that there is so much more going on than I can explain or you could even comprehend. You will understand everything in due time, now that you have almost fulfilled your legacy."

Something stirred in his mind at the last word, but he couldn't grasp it. The same dreaded feeling he got from Madame Gisela was laced into the word. Legacy.

Madame Gisela stared at him studiously again, for just a moment too long, and Adrien began to feel uncomfortable and fidgeted with the sheets. She suddenly looked away and made her way towards the door.

"Goodbye Adrien, I'll be seeing you soon."

Adrien hoped that wasn't true as she flaunted her way out of his hospital room.

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