Chapter 9: Progress

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The Taxi's awful breaks screeched, waking Joey from his troubled sleep as the car grounded to a halt. He blinked slowly and rubbed his eyes. "Are we here?- Hey, this isn't Pasadena" he grumbled.

"Yeah, I ain't driving ya forty hours to some random place, I ain't got enough gas, get another mode of transport," the Taxi man said in his thick New Yorker accent, Joey grabbed his bag with a huff "Where are we?"

"Figure it out for ya self," the man said, driving off as soon as Joey closed the door. Joey gave him the finger and watched him leave before he looked around. He glanced at the shop signs to help him figure out where he could be, sighing loudly and kicking the curb as he figured it out. He was in Pennsylvania, three hours from New York, and still a long way to Pasadena. "Hmm, a train might have to do" he muttered to himself.


Bendy's tail flicked as he reached up to blue tack his latest art work to the wall the next afternoon, Linda was heating leftover Lasagna from last night for lunch, he could smell it from his room. Even though the top had been burnt they had been able to save it by peeling off the top layer. He took a step back as he looked for more free spaces and realized they were diminishing fast. He didn't have much room left till he would run out.

After lunch,  Linda suggested he draw in a blank sketch book instead when Bendy explained the situation, much to his delight because it meant another trip to the art store, and Mandy was happy to help him pick a decent-sized one that would last.

Henry looked up from folding the washing on the sofa as they came back in from their shopping trip. Bendy bouncing on his feet as he grinned excitedly. Linda took off his hat and the ink demon ran up to him "Look!" he cried, holding it up. Henry took the sketchbook and examined it carefully. "Wow, it's pretty thick, did you say thank you?"

"Many times" Linda answered, Henry chuckled and passed the book back to Bendy's waiting arms. The ink demon ran off, no doubt to start working on a new masterpiece.


Joey Drew was roughly shaken awake as the train pulled into the station. "Mister? Your ticket says you get off here, wake up or you'll miss it!" a voice urged. Joey peeled his eyes open and looked down at the small teen shaking him "Pasadena?" he mumbled, the teen nodded. Joey stood up quickly and ran a hand through his gray hair "Thanks, kid," he said, grabbing his backpack and shuffling down the cramped hall and out the train.

The station was packed, and Joey had to weave through many people just to get to the exit, barging passed and causing many a commotion. Finally, free of all the chaos he started making his way to Henry's house.


Bendy was so absorbed in his art he didn't notice Henry set his dinner on the table, his nose twitched and he looked up to see cheesy spaghetti and garlic bread, he liked garlic bread! "That smells good!" Bendy said, setting his art stuff on the floor as Linda came in. "Home from work early?" Bendy asked her in surprise. Linda nodded "I got lucky, now I can spend more time with my two favorite boys" she said. Bendy smiled softly and waited till both of them were seated before beginning his nightly devouring of the evening meal.


Joey glanced at the sky, darkness was getting closer and his stomach rumbled with lack of food. He hurried down the pavement, trying to pull from his foggy mind Henry's address when he passed a lonely pub almost about to close for the night. He stopped, very tempted as his eyes raked the window display "Maybe just a quick stop, I'm pretty tried" he muttered to himself, pushing open the door and hoping they also had food.


Late that night, Linda came into the kitchen to check on Bendy and found him face planted on his art book fast asleep. She picked up the exhausted demon and took him to bed. Settling him down on the mattress, she made sure his shoes were off and his pajamas were on before she tucked the covers around him and kissed his forehead "Goodnight sweetie, sweet dreams" she whispered.

Henry trailed into the kitchen for a snack and picked up the drawing book Bendy had left, turning the pages as he looked at the colourful artwork within. It surprised the cartoonist that Bendy's drawings were so good, he never thought someone could draw so realistically. Even he had trouble drawing the very finer details, which is why he drew simple cartoons.

He closed the book and set the pencils back into their case, zipping it up just as Linda returned "Passed out" she said "Didn't even move a muscle when I put his pajamas on him," Henry chuckled and grabbed a muesli bar from the pantry. "Did you notice he didn't ask for permission or even look at me when the meal started?" he said, taking a bite,

Linda nodded "Progress." 


Joey woke on a park bench to someone rifling through his backpack. He screeched loudly and the unknown person ran off in fright, his hands thankfully empty of Joey's belongings. 

He sat up and cracked his back, rubbing his eyes as the sun streaming down on him painfully bright. His head heavy with a hangover "Ughhh, fuck sakes" he grumbled wincing in pain, the park bench hadn't been a good place to take a nap. Plus he couldn't for the life of him remember last night, which was probably a good thing. 

He picked up his pack and placed it beside him, grabbing the half empty bottle of whiskey he had haggled for from within. He looked at it for a few seconds as he relayed the situation on his head. He didn't have time for a hangover if he was to be talking to Henry soon, this would help, at least for a bit. Joey twisted the cap off and guzzled the contents till it ran dry, discarding the bottle in the trash can next to him. 

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