Chapter 5: Love

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Bendy woke to Henry placing him in his chair at the table in the kitchen, and his nose sniffed rapidly as he smelled food. He opened his eyes just as Linda put a plate in front of him "Rise and shine sweetie, its lunch time" Linda said, Bendy gazed at the sandwich in shock "More f-food? But I just ate" Bendy said, he didn't want to be rude or anything, but he really did just eat not more than a few hours ago.

Henry chuckled "Three meals a day is important to maintain, now eat up, if you're not hungry you don't-"

Bendy interrupted him by shoving the entire sandwich into his mouth 

"-have to eat it" Henry finished.

Bendy grinned, and Linda burst into laughter and ruffled Bendy's head "You're just adorable"

Bendy blushed and kicked his legs to amuse himself as Henry finished eating his own food. "Thank you Linda, delicious as always, I'll make dinner tonight, let you have a break, hmm?"

Linda kissed his cheek "Lovely"

Bendy frowned "What was that you just did to his face?" he asked.

Linda smirked as Henry blushed "I uh, it was an affectionate term called a kiss, when you love someone very much, that's what you do,"

"Awww, you love me?" Linda asked, Henry looked at his plate very flustered all of a sudden, Bendy giggled.


The next day around lunchtime, Linda declared she was running out for a bit. After measuring Bendy with a tape measure (much to his confusion) she grabbed her purse and headed off. Bendy watched her go from the living room window. "Where is she g-going?" Bendy asked, tail swishing back and forth as Linda backed the car down the driveway, 

Why did he have a tail? 

Henry remembered quite clearly that Bendy's design was without one. He checked the time. "I assume she's going to go get you some clothes."

"That's n-nice of her," Bendy said, getting down off the windowsill "You're doing very well, Bendy, I'm proud of you, it's only been two days since you got here and you've improved so much,"

"I h-have?"

Henry nodded, not only had his stuttering gotten better, but he didn't freeze whenever someone touched him, which was a solid sign that he was healing. 

But he still had some time to go before he would recover from the trauma Joey had left behind.

Bendy pointed to the TV. "C-Can we watch something?"

"Sure bud, but it's Sunday, nothings ever good to watch on a Sunday," Henry spoke, grabbing the remote and switching it on.

Immediately Bendy gasped as the familiar jingle of the old Bendy cartoons began to play in the living room. Bendy froze, alerting Henry as he began to hyperventilate loudly. The Cartoonist kneeled down and wrapped a hand gently around Bendy's wrist to feel for his heartbeat. The frantic thumping was far too fast for his liking and he grappled for the remote and immediately switched off the TV.

Bendy fell to his knees, trembling, his eyes scrunched up in fear "I'm s-sorry Joey, please, p-please don't p-punish me! I'll do b-better! I swear!" Bendy cried, his arms in front of his face to protect himself and ink dripping down his face as he melted.

Henry scooped him up off the floor and hugged him close "Its just me, it's Henry, Joeys not here, you're safe, it's okay" Henry soothed, trying to bring the ink demon back from wherever his broken mind had taken him. Bendy whimpered in Henry's arms, waiting for the punishment from his Creator.

But it never came.

After a short while Bendy finally relaxed and rubbed away the tears before he opened his eyes, "Henry?" he asked, looking up at him.

"Yeah, bud, it's me" Henry said, Bendy hugged him, sobbing loudly when he realized he was safe. His Creator was miles away from him, he was with Henry now. 

The old Cartoonist sat down on the armchair, comforting the clingy demon as best he could until Bendy tuckered himself out, and fell asleep.


Linda came home to find her husband fast asleep with an arm wrapped protectively around the sleeping demon curled up on his chest. She set the bags of shopping down and pulled off the blanket from over the larger sofa, setting it over them. She made sure she had tucked them in well before she kissed Henry's temple and gently stroked Bendy's head, chuckling quietly as Bendy let out a small satisfied purr at her touch. Henry was snoring as he usually did when he was asleep on his back, while Bendy drooled all over his shirt.

If only her and Henry had been able to have kids, if only her body hadn't been so incompatible with Henry's, perhaps this is what it could have been like. Them, together, adoring and looking after something so small and so helpless. Making sure they ate, comforting them when they had nightmares. Loving them unconditionally and watching them grow into a wonderful human being.

Linda felt a tear roll down her face as the thought of 'what could have been' crossed her mind. She sat down and began to unpack the clothes she had gotten for the little demon. She shouldn't be wasting time thinking about the past, she had this future to think about, her future with Henry, and now Bendy too.


Bendy gasped as Linda pulled out the teal blue sweater from the confines of the plastic bag, the demon put his arms up excitedly "Wow, a sweater!!" he squealed. Henry laughed at Bendy's excitement and took a sip of the tea Linda had prepared him beforehand.

Linda shoved the sweater over Bendy's head as soon as he was still enough. The sweater went down to his ankles and passed his hands, but Bendy loved it "So, do you like it?" Linda asked, eyes sparkling with delight at Bendy's huge smile as the small ink demon took it all in.

"Yes, I do! Hey, there's a t-toon on it, w-who is it?" Bendy asked, noticing the black and white mouse on the front.

"His names Mickey Mouse, hes very popular with the kids these days" Linda said, Bendy huffed "He s-sounds dumb"

Henry chuckled. "Well, I did model you a tiny bit off him, but mostly off another toon called Felix The Cat."

"Wait, you, you m-made me? I thought J-Joey was my Creator?" Bendy asked.

"He was, I made you as an idea. I was the first to draw you, Joey just brought you to life."

Bendy gasped "So you're actually m-my Dad!?"

Henry looked a little shocked but nodded "I guess?"

Bendy ran over to him and hugged him tight. "You're a way better D-Dad than J-Joey!"

Henry patted his head, a small blush in his cheeks as pride and affection swelled in his heart.

Henry patted his head, a small blush in his cheeks as pride and affection swelled in his heart

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(Amazing artwork for this chapter done by Inkyfollies, thank you!)

Broken Down (A Bendy & The Ink Machine Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora