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Probable Cause
Charlie Swan

"Chief Swan." I answered my desk phone quickly, a bundle of nerves as I had been anticipating an important phone call all day.

"Chief, we've got an update on that guy who's been poaching in the reserve." One of my officers responded and I resisted the urge to growl in annoyance. "I'll forward you over the game wardens report for the file."

I thanked him and hung up quickly, as I was expecting a much more important call than that, and I resumed my nervous waiting.

After trying (and failing) to occupy my time with some work, I had managed to spend an hour staring blankly at my computer screen imagining all of the worst case scenarios I possibly could.

A fiery plane crash, a freak accident that lead to their exposure and now they're having to hide out, or god-forbid the Volturi had ambushed them somewhere.

My desk phone ringing again broke me out of my panicked thoughts and I immediately answered it, seeing the number of the front desk in the caller ID.

"You better be calling me to tell me that my wife is headed to my office." I told the receptionist.

"Well, Chief, actually she is." She laughed as my door opened and the angel that is my wife smiled excitedly at me.

"Grace!" I cheered happily, hanging up the phone so I could run and sweep her up into my arms. "God, I've missed you every second you were gone." I sighed in relief, relaxing as the smell of almonds and honey washed over me as I buried my face into her neck and hair.

"I missed you too." She laughed beautifully, hugging me tightly. "How did a week seem like an eternity?" She asked, making no move to leave my arms.

"Promise me you'll never go on another week-long medical seminar with your brother again." I pleaded.

"Promise." She giggled happily, kissing me as I set her back on her feet.

I couldn't help but marvel as I stared happily at her. Her gorgeous wide golden eyes, platinum blonde waves, and stunning perfect smile were all familiar and magical to me. I couldn't help but stare at her like a love-struck idiot.

"What is it?" She giggled at me, cupping my face and smoothing some of my hair back into place lovingly.

"I was cycling through every awful situation that could've happened to you and Carlisle before you came in." I chuckled at my paranoia. "Guess some habits die really hard."

"Oh Charlie," She frowned at me "the Volturi?"

"Was certainly one of my concerns." I confessed. "I know it's been years, but I can't help but still be so cautious of them."

"Eighteen years, to be exact." She smiled wryly at me. "But, your distrust is certainly justified." She nodded. "How has the new leg been holding up?" She asked.

"Pretty good." I nodded, bending the knee in demonstration. "Much better than the last one we tried, but I think I still managed to knock a screw loose while out hunting with the grandkids last night."

"I'll look at it when we get home." She smiled seductively up at me. "Among other things." She teased with a cheeky wink.

"What a temptress." I shook my head, trying to control myself enough to keep from pouncing on her as I followed her out of my office and out to her car.

On the drive home, however, anything was fair game it seemed. I was reminded of our secret dates spent in my cruiser or her old vanquish when we first started dating as we teased, grabbed, and kissed at each other.

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