Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
Danger Magnet
Grace Cullen-Swan

Bella healed quite quickly and was able and ready to go back to school once the winter break ended. I, however, was suppose to be on maternity leave, and so I got to stay home with Elizabeth during the day while Charlie went to work and Bella went to school.

Being a mother was something I had never really wanted in my existence until Edward came along. I had never had an option to become one, in both my human and vampire existences, and so when I suddenly had a mothering role forced upon me I had to adapt. It hadn't been easy, especially with Edwards stubborn streak, but I quickly grew to love my new role.

So, I suppose it shouldn't have been such a surprise that I would easily fall in love with Elizabeth. She was perfect with wide brown eyes, Edwards copper curls, and an angular vampire face like her father's. Everyday there was something new that she did for me to fawn over. A new giggle, a new expression on her gorgeous little baby face, or a newfound curiosity for an object around her. I loved just sitting with her, rocking her and loving on her was my new favorite pastime.

However much I loved getting to stay with her, I was also equally anxious to get back to my public life in Forks. I was worried to be away from the school where I could keep eyes on Bella, also, the town was still gossiping about my family which left me worried about Charlie's reputation. As my three months grew closer and closer to an end, I couldn't help but be both excited and nervous.

Shaking my daydreams away, I carefully opened the bedroom door to peek in on Elizabeth. Of course, she was on her stomach wiggling around and smiled happily at me when she caught me sneaking in on her.

"Hello, little one." I cooed to Elizabeth and she pushed herself up onto her hands to look up at me from her crib. "Are you hungry?" I asked her, shaking her bottle of blood up.

I was rewarded with several happy sounding gurgles and smiled widely at her as I lifted her from her crib and sat in the rocking chair by the window.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." I giggled, settling her into my arms before beginning to feed her.

I couldn't help but laugh at her sweet cooing sounds she made as she drank her bottle. She was just finishing up when Charlie stepped through the doorway to our bedroom.

"Hey you two." He greeted us. "Someone sounds happy." He laughed at Elizabeth.

"Very." I agreed. "Do you want to do the honors?" I giggled, putting a bib over his shoulder and handing Elizabeth to him.

"Sure." He agreed happily, rocking back and forth as he burped Elizabeth. "How was your day?" He smiled at me before kissing me softly.

"Great." I smiled widely. "We worked on movement and tactile toys, which Elizabeth absolutely loves, and I got lots of laundry done while she napped."

"Poor thing, you're just going to waste away when you go back to school next week." Charlie laughed at me. "You won't be able to stand five minuets away from her."

"Oh don't be silly." I shook my head. "You're just as obsessed with her as I am and you do just fine."

"Yes, but I haven't spent all day with her every single day of her life like you have." He laughed. "I'm just trying to make sure you're going to be okay." He worried.

"I'll be fine." I nodded. "Sue said she would be happy to watch her during the day for me, so I won't have to worry about her."

"Good." He nodded. "Bella called and asked to go to the reservation again. I hope it's okay that I told her yes. We're having dinner tonight with Harry and Sue anyway, so I figured she could just meet us there."

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