Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen
Grace Cullen-Swan

"Again." I growled, frustrated over Emmett knocking me to the ground for the third time in ten minuets.

"Sister, I don't think that's a good idea." Carlisle stepped in front of me with a concerned look in our shared golden eyes. "Let someone else go for a bit. You need a break."

"It's been six days of training and digging to try to understand Victoria enough to fake being her. I only have one more day. If I don't find that kind of anger soon then I don't think I'll be able to pull off this plan at all." I confessed to him. "Please, let me keep going." I begged.

"Should I bring Bella into this?" Jasper smiled tauntingly as he stepped up to replace Emmett. "Or perhaps Elizabeth?" He taunted, hitting just the right nerve deep in my bones.

"Jasper, don't you dare-"

"Charlie, come here, let's really get her worried. A little spilled blood never hurt anybody, right?" He laughed mockingly.

In an instant, I had Jasper pinned beneath me, snarling down at him like I have never snarled at anyone before. The overwhelming protective urge and anger that coursed through me at his words and taunting laughter was enough to drive me crazy.

"Looks like you found Victoria." Jasper smiled up at me, causing me to snap out of my rage-filled attack, before rolling out from underneath me. "Go take a breather." He added, helping me to my feet and kissing my cheek in apology.

"Thanks." I nodded, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down as I went to join Charlie, Bella, and Elizabeth at their safe spot by the Jeep. "I'm sorry you all had to see that." I apologized, sitting on Charlies' lap as he sat in a lawn chair observing the training sessions going on around us.

"It was just a little hard to watch you get thrown down like that. I know you weren't hurt, but it was still unnerving." Charlie sighed, rubbing my arm soothingly. "You're tough, so I guess I just always think of you as being unbreakable. I also know you're a better fighter than that. What was going on?" He asked me gently.

"I was paired against my son that's three times my size." I answered simply. "I knew the only way I could get him pinned was if I hurt him, and I don't want to do that, of course."

"But, you pinned Jasper. He's your nephew and I thought you both got along really well?" Bella asked, sweetly playing with some of Elizabeth's copper curls as she slept.

"We do, I love Jasper like my own, but he knew exactly what to say to get me to react with anger. The idea of someone I love getting hurt by someone else I love is unbearable to me." I shook my head, trying to remind myself that Jasper had only been trying to get a reaction and that he wasn't serious.

"Well, then maybe you should use that kind of anger and desperation when you're acting like Victoria." Charlie offered. "She's looking for revenge against people that killed her loved ones. Also, remember that she's trying to kill your daughter, and possibly your granddaughter as well."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind." I smiled sarcastically at him. "As if I'd ever forget that." I shook my head, looking over my shoulder to smile at Bella and Elizabeth.

"We're done." Edward announced as he approached us. "Jasper thinks we're all more than capable to handle ourselves tomorrow." He explained, happily taking the still-sleeping Elizabeth from Bella.

"Good." I nodded. "So, everything is still set for today, right? Bella is going to leave a blood trail before Jacob runs her up to the camp site for you to watch her during the battle tomorrow?"

"Yes, we're all set." Edward nodded. "She'll be fine, Mom." He tried to soothe my worries.

"I know, I trust you, but the moment something seems off you have to call out for help. Don't get yourself trapped in a stupid situation due to pride or some other silly nonsense." I told him.

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