Part 21: You Can't Bullshit a Bull Shitter

Start from the beginning

 And damn! He looked so good!

"Hey, isn't that Nova?" Murr asked under his breath, only to be back handed in the shoulder by Sal. Q froze for a moment but his buddies urged him to move forward, as hard as it was for him to process seeing her again after all of this time. 

They were so caught up in each other's presence, it was like the rest of the world faded out. Nova couldn't even process the other three jokers being there. 

She didn't notice Murr turning his attention away and avoiding her as if she were some sort of criminal.

She didn't notice Joe look at her awkwardly and for once in his life, suddenly not have a thing to say and resorted to giving her a polite wave. 

And she certainly didn't notice the nasty and hateful look Sal gave her the whole time they were passing through, that would have made her feel lower than a cockroach if she did.

The only set of eyes she could process right now were the sweet, brown doe eyes of Brian Quinn. 

He was looking at her as if she were a ghost, wide eyed and in pure shock to see her. There were so many feelings that each of them had buried since their last encounter, the suddenness of all of them resurfacing all at once made the air thick with tension and hard to breathe.  They continued to stare at each other the whole time they were in the same hallway, Q even looking over his shoulder and walking backwards as if he were still in disbelief that she was there. 

After they were gone and out of sight, Nova took a deep shaky breath to try and compose herself. 

"Miss Brady?" The secretary in the waiting area said, practically making Nova jump out of her skin. She quickly turned her head and remembered why she was there in the first place. 

"Mr. Celis and his associates are ready to see you" She said in a light and cheery voice, obviously not having a clue what just happened. 

Nova stood up and took another deep breath. "I...I need a moment...Where is the ladies room?"

10 minutes and a very reassuring self pep talk later, Nova was sitting in Geoff Celis's office along with another man and woman that Nova had never seen before. Judging on the way they were dressed, they looked like a big deal to the network. 

After doing the initial meet and greets, Nova learned that the woman's name was Marsha Ballard and the man's name was Chris Bozak and they were both managers/producers of the show. As Nova made her way over to the chair their directed her in, she caught on how their eyes shifted to her leg as she hobbled into the office. 

"Thank you so much for meeting us here on such sudden notice" Chris began.

"The reason why we asked you here today is because we are expanding our art department of the show and we have been put in charge of bringing in new team members to help out with various jobs on set. Now I know that you have done some work with us before and actually Pete McPartland gave us a strong recommendation to give you a call and see if you would be interested."

Nova blinked and raised her eye brows. "Me? Wow, that's so nice of him. I'm flattered that you guys reached out to me. What exactly would you need me for?" Nova asked, quirking an eyebrow. 

This time Marsha stepped in. 

"Well we saw your work from the promo shoot so I'm assuming photography is your specialty?" She said with an assuring smile. 

"Yes, photography is everything to me. I have a copy of my resume, as you can see I have done a lot of jobs related to the field and I am confident that I can take on just about any kind of session" Nova said sounding very sure of herself as she slid over a copy of her resume for them. 

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