chapter 2

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The first one that i noticed to arrive was Vanya she was skulking around the corridors like she used to do when she was little. i never understood why she was always like that but i would have wished more than anything to be completely ordinary like her and not have to worry about any of my powers. but that was not the case. i didn't really want to see any of my so called siblings they had all left me and my father behind and none of them had gone to my father funeral i hated them all. they had no idea what my father was really like he was everything they ever could have needed and they abandoned me and my father and mum and pogo. they could all go to hell.

i had to face them eventually but for now i would wait. 

they all decided to gather in the main room. i would like to point out that they didn't even bother to look for me as it is guaranteed that they knew that i was still there as i never left. 

" I guess we should get this started.So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown.Say a few words, just at Dad's favourite spot."

" Dad had a favourite spot?"

-"You know, under the oak tree."

this is were i jumped in because quite frankly i'd had enough.

"Luther!" i shouted from the very back of the room, "you know full well that you have no idea were dads favourite spot was you resented the man as much as the other and never left your room despite the fact that you had decided that you didn't want to leave, i sat with him, i talked to him, i treated him like a daughter should do, and as with you conversation with Diego, i was there when he died grace tried to save him but his heart would just not restart and so i held him until he passed. you have know right to parade around like you were dads favourite and as far as i know you can all get of my property as he cut all of you out of the will when you left and unless 5 miraculously comes back out of the blue then. this house and everything in it is mine, so i'm am expecting everything you stole Klaus back in its place by the end of the day and if not you will regret it. dads ashes shall be scattered on the roof top were he would sit and watch the stars with me now if you dot leave soon then i am going to call the police I've about had enough of your nonsense already and you haven't actually been here very long"

As if he was to try and say something back Luther began to open his gob. i sent him a quick warning glare as well as a shake of the house for effect, and walked out of the room to resume my position, in dads office and to continue to read the book that i had begun to read just after my father had died.

I do not own the umbrella academy plot or characters other than my own thank you

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