chapter 3

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hey guys i know that its been a while but this really is my venting book ngl and rn i need to vent lol, but anyway on with the chapter.

Ugh. i am so tired, the day so far had been awfull i reallu hated how the others just came barging back in as if nothing had changed. i am just sat in my chair in the corner of dads office just sat staring at his old leather chair, thankgod i took the journal out of the box before klaus had a chance to steal the box, i swear there will be hell to pay if he doesnt put that back. you know ive always kept the name zero, my mum offered to give me a name but my father gave me zero and if im honest i suited me and so i decided to keep it. but anyway, it had actually been a week since dad had died and i had been wallowing around the house since the day that it happened and they took his body away, i collapsed into pogos arms when they did that i just couldnt belive that he was truly gone he had allways treated me the best and im not saying that he was the best father in the world be he was good to me and for that i will forever be thankfull for.   

Annoyingly my siblings still had not decided to leave as i could here the music echo through the house, i had half a mind to just set the thing on fire and flood the house untill they left but i will give them the night as i do not have the energy to start a whole new argument tonight. this whole house reminds me of him, everything in here all i can see when i walk through these empty halls is my childhood and everything that we did together. i miss those days after luther was sent to the moon it trully was just me and dad. it was the best few years that we had had but i guess all good things have to come to an end eventually.

in the living room there still sat a portrait of 5 he had still yet to come back but i some how new in my bones that he would eventually, maybe he just went the long way around. i used to leave food out for him with vanya but we both grew out of that pretty fast me and vanya were probably closer than any of my other siblings but we became more and more distant as we go older and then she left and ther ewas nothing that we could do about it but ohwell.

all of a sudden there was a huge crack from the courtyard and a bright blue light almost like lightning shone through the windows. i ran out there to see what it was only to be joined by my moron siblings and then in true klaus fashion he came hurting through the line me and my siblings had formed with a fucking fire hydrant like seriosuly a fire hydrant thats just rediculous what was that gonna do to the portal black wjole thing forming before our eyes untill all of a sudden someone started to apear on the veent horrison of the portall at first it seemed to be and old man but as the person came through it morfed and the person became much smaller even child like untill i realised who it was that had come throught the portal it was 5.

i litterally couldnt belive my eyes and i ran at full pely scooping him up into the biggest hug that i could muster i had trully missed him when he had dissapeared, he causiously wrapped his arms back around me and i swear i could have cried. i hadnt realised how much i had missed him whilst he was gone, of course in true fashion my other siblings just stood and stared watching the sceene that unfolded in front of them before 5 then wispered in my ear to let him go as he needed to change his clothes. at that point i looked doen and realised that he was in  a vry over sized suit that was pratically falling of him and then in a flash of blue light he was gone again but i knew he was only upstairs in his room. i then took the oppertunity to turn around and go back inside to go and talk to him, by the time we reached the hallway he was allready in the kitchen making coffee.

and so would begin the inquistion

"where the hell have you been"

zero (umbrella acadamy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن