Chapter Fifteen

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The Gem of Nefarious



142 B.C.


As the coven and I journey closer to the meadow, I cannot help but come to realize the great responsibility upon my shoulders. I did not think I cared much for the coven, yet with each step we take, each step that shortens the distance between Gyana and us, I know that is not true. I do not want any harm to come to any of them, and although there are a great many more of us than Gyana and whichever Fate she has already created, I have a horrible feeling growing in the pit of my stomach about what is going to transpire.

Up until this moment, the coven to me has always been a means to an end. My means, to my end. They were simply my eyes and ears. And I had thought my shield as well. However, as I look ahead of myself to the coven as we march along in silence throughout the twilight, I know that if any of them should come to harm tonight, I will rip Gyana's head off with my bare hands. Magic will not be required.

The sun has just barely fallen behind the hills in the distance to the west, and something about the sight before me has me eager to be at the meadow.

The plan tonight is simple. We cannot kill Gyana, or else no other magical being will live for all eternity. Instead, we will kill whichever Fate has been created, kill the one that is to be created, and then take Gyana prisoner. With each member only given three focal points, it should not be difficult to achieve. There is not a single possibility that Gyana and her one Fate can fight off all of us. We are simply too powerful. If Alexander and I alone could kill two Fates within seconds, it should be even easier for the entire coven to kill one Fate, a witch or warlock with regular magic, and take Gyana captive.

Ahead of me, the coven begins to venture into a heavily wooded area. Just as I am enveloped into the trees, I see Alexander standing off to the side.

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