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The Gem of Nefarious



167 B.C.


Being happy is something I never thought would be bestowed upon me again. After the death of beloved husband in, yet another, boarder skirmish, I believed I would be destitute. It was not until the pleasant surprise of learning I was with child mere weeks after Barak was killed in battle did I even smile. We had spent only one night together before he was called to the front lines, and what a magical night it was. I may be a witch, and to the Gods I swear I did not preform a spell for me to fall pregnant that night. I wanted a child naturally, and would not tempt the Fates with gifting myself something I should not have. Barak and I had tried for years to have a child, sadly there was no success, until that night.

It had been a perfect evening too. Bright flower petals had been placed over our bed on the floor to our home. Candles surrounded us, making it both romantic and excruciatingly warm in the small room. Barak and I did not have coin; being forced to live on a simple foot soldier's earnings. Even still, we were happy.

For a time at least.

The morning he left to take up arms with our neighbors, he had said, "I shall pray to the Gods that a seed found root inside of you, and that when I return, you will not be the only person waiting on me."

He did not return, but his prayers had been answered. In the spring time, four years ago, I was blessed with the beautiful bounty of a baby boy, who I named Giles. My perfect son. There is not one thing I would change about him, expect perhaps that he look more like Barak than myself. His black as night hair, that already falls down his back, is the only reminder of my husband I have. The home Barak and I once shared was taken from me two weeks after his death, and Giles was brought into this world in an abandoned hut in the middle of the great plains. The labor was difficult, and I prayed that Barak was with me in spirit.

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