Chapter Six

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The Gem of Nefarious



142 B.C.


When Bethany and Adonis disappear from my view, I find myself becoming even more anxious. Will this work? Is the spell Alexander put up in his room strong enough to hold him? What if it does not? What will we do then? And, if we do fail, how can I save Bethany? I am sure if this fails Adonis will rip my heart out, which I can live with; as Alexander can too since he will die as well, but what will Adonis do with Bethany?

I can only imagine, although I do not wish to. I am almost certain he would keep her as his personal concubine. He very well may find another witch or warlock, and have them strip her of her powers so she may not escape. She will never see her mother again, nor will she be allowed to live whatever life she had before coming to mine and her brother's aid.

If this does not work, I need to figure out how to save her before my heart is ripped from my chest. I will not let Adonis steal her away from the world.

Forcing myself to get to the stairs as quickly as possible, I push my fears and worries aside so I may focus on the task at hand. I climb the stairs with a racing heart, and then briskly walk passed Alexander. He falls in step behind me, neither of speaking. I turn the corner, walk down the hallway, and stop outside Adonis' room.

I look over my shoulder to Alexander, who nods his head at me. I turn my head back, faintly hearing Adonis talking on the other side of the door. I can not make out the words. I swallow, take a deep breath, and then place my right palm on the door.

As Alexander puts his hand on my shoulder, I close my eyes, and then channel my magic through my hand on the door. The door flies open, creating a loud crash as it tumbles to the floor. I rush inside, Alexander following after me, and the two of us try to hold Adonis in his place. Bethany scurries off the bed she is sitting on, raises her hand to hold him with us, and then comes to stand beside her brother.

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