Chapter One

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The Gem of Nefarious



157 B.C.


Mother, bless her large heart, has loved me unconditionally for all of my ten years, although I do not believe I have earned it. I have been a problem child, yet in my defense, I am not the average child. I do all that I can to behave for her, and my older brother Giles, but it is easier said than done for someone like me. I do my chores, when we have a roof over our head, and I abide by her rules.

They are simple rules. No going outside after dark, although Giles is permitted such luxury, and no using my magic against Giles, seeing as how he was not blessed with Mother's abilities. I am unsure as to why I was gifted these magical powers and he was not, but even still I am not allowed to use them against him.

Those are the only two rules Mother must constantly remind me on, yet, there is a third rule. A rule that if I break it, my abilities are render mute until she feels I have learned my lesson. I am not allowed to ask about who my Father was. She will not even tell me his name. Giles knows who his Father was, and Mother speaks of him often, but she will not breathe a word of mine.

One would think because Giles and I have such the same likeness, that we share the same Father; but by the way Mother will always talk to Giles of his, I know we do not. Giles and I both have black hair, we are both tall, and we even have the same tone in our voices. The only difference between my brother and I is that I have blue eyes, and Giles has brown eyes.

Although I am only ten years old, my physical appearance is that of someone who has reached their maturity. I am even taller than Giles, who is ten and four. My older brother has not finished growing yet, and I do not think I can grow much more without being able to reach the tops of the trees.

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