Chapter 10(Finale)

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Tzuyu's POV

"Yujin-ah! You have his pictures, right?" I asked on the phone with Yujin, my cousin. Apparently, he's working at a bar as a person who serves drinks. He told me something interesting and i definitely will like it when i use it at the dinner meeting later. We kept in touch about our lives and i told him about BamBam. 

"Yup! I have! Ever since you told me about him and you sent me his picture, i keep an eye on him! I will send you the pictures!" He said cheerfully over the phone. I also told him about the dinner meeting.

"Okay, thanks! Keep it up, bro!" I said and exchanged goodbyes then hung up.

After a few seconds, he sent me the pictures. Yes, this is gonna be fun and interesting.

Minari~I will protect you from that piece of shit so don't worry and leave it to me~


Mina's POV

I'm so nervous right now. I don't even know what plan does Tzuyu has in mind but nonetheless, i'm positive that he will do something about the marriage.

Thankfully, i sat in between Tzu and Mom. Dad sits next to mom. The remaining 3 seats are for BamBam and his parents.

"I thank you all for being able to make time for this dinner meeting. I have some things to say and once i have finished, Mr Myoui, i hope you will change your mind regarding the marriage." Tzu started as he stood up straight. We remained quiet for him to continue. I saw BamBam's expression darkened like he doesn't want dad to change his mind.

"First of all, i would like to share my opinion on the marriage as Mina's current boyfriend. I don't think BamBam should marry Mina. I have reasons why he should not be in the Myoui's family." Tzu continued. Dad's face starts to darken as well. Mom and i remained calm but inside, i'm nervous.

"May i know the reasons?" Dad spoke with a hint of disapproval in his voice.

"My cousin, who works at a bar, saw BamBam a lot at the bar. You may think that it's normal for him because he is a boy and boys are always drinking at the bar but you can say that there's always a reason why boys go to bar other than just drinking.

I'm sure you know what i'm trying to say. He went there to hang out with girls instead of just drinking alone. This is normal for boys who love to be a flirt and play with girl's feelings. 

You may think that i'm lying just because i don't want to see my girlfriend getting married with another guy right in front of my face. That is true but i'm not lying because i have proof here in my phone. I can show you the pictures taken by my cousin." Tzu said as he took his phone out and showed something to dad. I'm curious what is it but at the same time, i don't want to ruin my innocence. I'm too innocent to know about boys' stuff at the bar.

Tzu then showed his phone screen to BamBam's parents. I saw them gasped while my dad's face became even more black (black as in not the color, i'm sure u know what i meant).

"That's definitely not true. How pathetic of you to lie. Just admit that you don't want my Mina to marry me." BamBam said with a smirk but soon dropped the smirk once he saw Tzu smirking back at him. 

"I should say the same to you. How pathetic of you to deny. You should be the one pathetic here, not me. Just admit that you don't want Mina to become mine." Tzu said, copying his lines, with a devious smirk. BamBam gulped, probably in fear.

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