Chapter 43

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Yibo gets up in the morning. He glances at the alarm clock on Xiao zhan's side table. It's 6.15. Yibo touches the bed where Xiao Zhan used to lay on. The bedsheet is still straight and cold.
"Shou shou?" Yibo calls his bae.

HE climbs off of the bed and walks to the bathroom. No one inside. So he walks back to the bed, halts when he heard a sound of people talking from outside.

Yibo walks out of the room, heading to the sitting room and finds the tv is on and Xiao zhan is curling up on the couch. Still sleeping.

Yibo smiles. He crouches down and kisses Xiao Zhan's nose. But Xiao zhan doesn't move. Yibo moves his hand, stroking Xiao Zhan's cheek gently.

"I love you more than that you know... I want to make you mine forever. You are my world, my home, my life. I don't care if people will mock me because I deeply in love with a man. But I won't let anyone insult you. I don't mind if you are a grumpy shou, your noises always make my day. I don't want to live here without you. You're a sweet addiction to me. The more I tasted you, the more I want you. I never feel bored with you. You are the only one to me. Yes, I'm crazy... But I'm sane enough to realize that I have fallen for you too deep. And I don't want to be floating away from this depth. I want to drown with you, if to be by your side I have to get into the depth. Don't leave me... Promise me that we'll grow old together and die in each other's arms. I love you, Sean Xiao Zhan..." Yibo recites the words that flooded in his mind.

Xiao Zhan stirs in his sleep.  His eyes flickering. He opens his eyes and squinted to the light from the tv.

"Yibo..." He mumbles in his sleepy voice, squirming in his sleeping position.

"Good morning, shou shou..." Yibo greets him.

"Morning..." Xiao Zhan replies, pulling up the rug to his chest. "What time is it?" He asks.

"6 plus," answers Yibo.

Xiao Zhan groans and stretching his body.

"Why are you wake up so early?" Xiao zhan asks, and curls into a ball again.

"I want to show you my friend  that I told you earlier..." Yibo replies.

"The guy that you bought him a ring?" Asks Xiao Zhan, heart aches when realize Yibo able to wake up so early only tho meet this friend.

"Come!" Yibo forces Xiao zhan to get up.

"Why so rush? Can't wait until lunch?" Xiao zhan whines.

"Too long," Yibo drags Xiao Zhan into the room.

Inside the room, Yibo stands in front of the mirror, hugging Xiao Zhan from behind. They look into the mirror. Xiao Zhan frowns, doesn't understand what is Yibo up to. While Yibo looks at Xiao Zhan with a smile curls up on his lips. He kisses Xiao Zhan's shoulder blade.

" Aren't we suppose to get ready to see the friend of yours? Why are we backhugging and staring at the mirror, instead?" Xiao zhan asks.

Yibo lets out a soft chuckle. He sniffs Xiao Zhan's cheek.

"Dafuck, Yibo? My smell is like drool, right?" Xiao Zhan sniggers.

"You smell like a crispy autumn.." Yibo complimenting.

"What was that mean?" Xiao Zhan furrows his forehead.

"I also don't know," Yibo replies.

"Aish! Enough! Let's go wash up! Don't let your friend wait too long!" Says Xiao Zhan, wriggling in Yibo's arms to get out.

"We're not going anywhere, shou shou..."Yibo says in a low voice.

"Huh?" Xiao Zhan looks at Yibo over his shoulder.

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