Chapter 4

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Xiao Zhan and his sister enjoying their time with A Jian in the play zone.

"Jie! I think  A Jian had played long enough. Let's we have lunch first!" Xiao Zhan tells his sister.

"Yeah... Ok!" Replied Ying Ying. She calls her son, " A Jian! Let's go!"

A Jian runs off to them.

"Are you hungry?" Ying Ying speaks to A Jian.

A Jian nods his head. Ying Ying gets up and holds A Jian's hand.

"Let's we eat first, then!" She says.

They walk out of the play zone and go to the the restaurant nearby.
Xiao Zhan chooses the seat next to the glass window near the doorway of the restaurant. And they order the food for their lunch.

A Jian jumps down of his seat and goes to Xiao Zhan,and sits on his uncle's lap.

"A Jian! Come back to your seat! The food is coming already!" Ying Ying scolding him.

"I want to sit with Jiujiu...!" A Jian whines.

"It's ok, Jie... It's rare for him to see me. And tomorrow he's going home already to Chongqing. Let him sit with me..!" Xiao Zhan says.

"How you gonna eat if he's sitting on your lap, Zhan!" Ying Ying declines.

"I can. It's ok...!" Xiao Zhan assured her.

Xiao Ying sighs. She slams her back into the backrest .

The food finally comes. Xiao Zhan eats with A Jian sitting on his lap. Sometimes he's feeding him. Xiao Ying smiles watching them.

Xiao Ying averts her eyes to the window when she's catching a figure standing outside,close to their table. She is startled when she recognize the figure. It's the same guy who came into her brother's house last night.

Xiao Zhan notice what happens to his sister. He looks at her and follow her gaze. He freezes when he saw Yibo is standing outside, watching them having their lunch together.

Yibo looking at them with a hurtful expression. His eyes were glistening with the sadness.

"Isn't that your neighbor?" Xiao Ying asks her brother.

Xiao Zhan turns to her and smiles awkwardly, makes Xiao Ying arches her brows again.

"Yibo! Come!" Guo Cheng approaching him and holds him by shoulder. He's dumfounded when he saw Xiao Zhan with his sister and his nephew in the restaurant.

Guo Cheng's mouth moving, going to say something but ends up stuttering.

"Yibo... Xi... Xiao... Why... Why..."

"Let's go!" Yibo drags Guo Cheng leaving the place.

Xiao Ying turns to Xiao Zhan who lowering his head now, staring at his food.

"Strange... Why does he looking at you like he's finding out her girlfriend is cheating on him with other guy?" Xiao Ying mutters. And she saw her brother who suddenly quieter.

"Are You ok, Zhan?" She asks.

Xiao Zhan lifts his head up and looks at his sister and tries to smile.

"Ye... Yeah! I'm fine..!" Xiao Zhan replies.

"What happened?" Xiao Ying feels unsure.

"N-nothing! Really! It's nothing!" Xiao Zhan declines. He digs into his food again.

"Zhan... I'm your older sister. I have watched you grow. Don't lie to me!" Xiao Ying speaks with firmer tone.

"I... I..." Xiao Zhan stutters.

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