Chapter 35

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Xiao Zhan reaches home an hour later. He unlocks the door and dashes into the house.

"Yibo?" He calls Yibo.

But no one answers. He looks at every room, but Yibo isn't around. Then his eyes catch Yibo's wallet laid on the nightstand. Then he sighs.

He supposed to remember that Yibo has left his wallet at home. All his cards he keeps inside the wallet. So he can't enter Xiao Zhan's house neither his own.

He takes out his phone and dials Yibo's number, but it goes to his voicemail. He tries many times and the result is the same. Then he tries to call Pei Xin's number just in case Yibo having a sleepover there, but Pei Xin  says he never even receive any calls from Yibo, and when he tries to call Yibo, the result is the same as Xiao Zhan's.

Pei Xin also calls his other friends, but no one knows Yibo's whereabout. Xiao Zhan is about to call Yibo's family, but if Yibo isn't there, then his incoming question will make the family panic and most probably will blame him for Yibo's disappearance. So he left a message on Yibo's voicemail.

"Bo... Please... I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to scold you. But you can't be over possessive like that. You know that I love you only. And that aunty was just doing her job. Please, come back home... sniff.. I miss you already... sniff.. I love you... sniff sniff... I really love you... Come back, please?"

Then Xiao Zhan throws his phone into the bed and he himself plonking into the bed, too. His tears trickling down his face. He curls his body into a ball and sobs.

It's even more painful when he was about to left by Yibo abroad. That time he was sure Yibo didn't want to go but he had to,and that time Yibo still kept the burning love inside him. That time Yibo still clung on him and cried and said the word "love" endlessly.

But now, he doesn't even know Yibo's whereabouts, and he left him with anger inside him. Having Yibo leaving him while he knows that he's still in Beijing but he left in rage is worse than having him leaving him for another country but faithfully loves him.

The cry and tiresome drag Xiao Zhan to a deep slumber. He asleep with heart aching whenever he thinks about the other boy. He really can't lose him. He gets used to Yibo's nags and annoyance. He has fallen for the alien boy who always makes him grumpy even angry, yet the one who loves him dearly the most.


Yibo cringes and hisses to the pain. He pulls his legs up, and it's injured badly. The blood comes out from his badly scratched wound.

"Shou Shou... I'm sorry.. I shouldn't angry at you. Now I fell and it hurts..." He sniffles.

He's already in Chang an area, but his house still needs to take about 15 minutes to go to. He fell into the gut at the roadside. Luckily it's not in highway anymore. It's already around the residential's way but the houses still about 500 meters from there. So the street is not too busy, even can be say it's empty.

By the time, his phone is ringing. And it's inside the dried drain. He sees the caller ID. It's Pei Xin.

"Why this dork suddenly calling me? Is his parents disapprove his relationship with Fan Xing?" Yibo grumbling and leans his back on the tree trunk.

A while later another incoming call rings his phone again. He pull his head up to see the caller ID.

"Shou shou.. " Yibo finally sobs.

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