Chapter 11

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Yibo just comes back from school that evening. He enters Xiao Zhan house.

"I'm home...!" He shouts while drags his feet into the room.

"What are you doing?" He asks Xiao Zhan who busy packing his things into the duffle bag.

"I'm going home  tomorrow morning," Xiao Zhan replies.

"Home? It's your house, shou shou..!" Yibo a little bit shock.

"Chongqing. I'm going home to Chongqing, Bo..! Dad asked me to go home immediately," says Xiao Zhan.

"I'm going with you!" Yibo cries.

Xiao Zhan looks over to Yibo. He paused packing.

"No, Bo." Says Xiao Zhan sternly.

"Why?" Yibo pouts.

"You need to go to school. You having your exam, right?"

Yibo nods. Still pouting.

"It's your midterm exam. Don't be lazy, ok? After your college, you have to work in your parents'  company already. I don't want you to fail. Ok?" Xiao Zhan telling him.

"Okay..." Yibo replies lazily.

"Look! I'll be fine. I only will go around 5 days. And I'll be back to you. Cuddle you.. get it?" Xiao Zhan pecks Yibo's lips.

"But you don't play  fire behind me! " Yibo snaps.

"Don't you think  you should telling yourself that?" Xiao Zhan smirks.

"If you don't do funny funny thing, I also won't make any troubles...!" Yibo grins.

"Silly!" Xiao Zhan snorts. He continues packing. Yibo just flops on the bed, watching him packing .

"Can we have tonight?" Asks Yibo smirking.

"No! I got my period!" Xiao Zhan retorts without stop packing

"Aw! But you are male, shou shou..!" Yibo whining.

"You made me!" Xiao Zhan chuckles.

"Ow, c'mon...! It would be a long five fucking days, Shou shou...!" Yibo whining.

"No, Yibo. I don't want to get a back pain for my flight tomorrow. It's five fucking hours on the plane and one fucking hour on the bus. You'll kill me if you insisted!"

Yibo pouting. Xiao Zhan look over at Yibo, then walks to him. He sits beside Yibo and rubs Yibo's thigh.

"Don't be upset. You can hold it for four months last time. Why can't you now? It's only 5 days." Xiao Zhan talks to Yibo gently.

"But you are leaving me..!" Yibo still whining.

"I'm not leaving you. I just visiting my family. If you feel lonely here, you can stay at your family's home. Or ask your friends to sleepover..!' Xiao Zhan suggest.

Yibo nods. He snakes his hand around Xiao Zhan's waist. Xiao Zhan strokes his hair.

"I'll be missing you..." Yibo mumbles.

"I know. But sometimes a space is needed in a relationship, so we can missing each other.." Xiao Zhan smiles.

"Will your father accept us?" Asks Yibo.

"I don't know. But Im working on it. Not sure how would his reaction to be..."

"If you need me to fight with you, just ring me.."

Xiao Zhan chuckles.

"He's my father. I know him well..."

"What if he disown you if he knows about us?"

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