How old is this witch?

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 Damon couldn't help but grin when a loud knock echoed through the home; He knew exactly who it was. He took his time walking towards the door just to piss the hybrid off and swung it open with a smug, close lipped smile.

"Oh Klaus," Damon said with a singing voice and then spat out, "took you long enough." Klaus was leaning in the doorway, a scowl locked on his face. He looked like he was ready to kill.

"We made a deal." He caught Damons eyes, wishing he could just reach out and rip his throat out. Klaus hated 2 things in particular in this world, 1 was being lied to, the other was someone not keeping up with their end of the bargain, "I gave you Amity, why can't I have my Coffin?"

"It's important to you," Damon shrugged, "I can't give you what you want, I'm not weak and I don't follow your orders."

"Amity stop!" Damon looked behind his shoulder to see Amity being chased by Elena down the stairs and towards the living room, "You can't leave so I don't know where you think you're going."

Amity's face held a scowl much like Klaus had and she was severely unimpressed by Elenas attitude. Then she spotted Klaus, "Klaus, get me out of here. These people are insane."

"Well then come on, love." Before she could answer him, Damon lightly pushed her away from the doorway. Lightly in his terms, but this push sent the weak human flying into Elenas arms; Almost knocking both of the ladies down.

"I'm afraid that's just not possible." He grinned, glancing over at Amity, "You see, I dont understand why she likes you so much, maybe you compelled her, but Amity is just too willing to be in your care, Klaus." He paused, "We just can't have that, so I had my witch cast a little spell."

Klaus took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment; trying to control his anger. He reminded himself that there wasn't much he could do in this situation unless Damon let one part of his being outside of that doorway, "What kind of spell?" He questioned in his smooth accent, "Please Damon, enlighten me."

"Amity can't leave this house." Damon chuckled, almost excited to share the news with Klaus. Damon loved pissing people off and it could make him burst with joy to get a simple growl out of Klaus, "Much like how we can't enter houses unless we are invited in by the owners, she can't leave unless she is uninvited and she can't invite anyone in either."

"Now why would you do that?" Klaus tilted his head, "You're just making your future death extremely painful, Damon Salvatore."

Klaus seemed to be almost 'Tsk'ing him, "I'm not afraid of you Klaus, besides Stefan I'm the only one that knows where that coffin is." Damon didn't seem as cocky as he had in the previous moments of their conversation. He now seemed distracted by something behind Klaus and when Klaus noticed he turned around. Stefan was behind him, frozen in place.

"Stefan, my friend!" Klaus was beside him with his arm wrapped around his shoulder in a half second, "What great timing you have!" He said with a chuckle.

Stefan struggled in his grip, he knew what Klaus was going to do, "Klaus weather you get that coffin back or not it won't change the spell on Amity."

They were in the doorway now and Klaus had a close lipped smile on his face, glancing between Stefan and Damon, "My witch can only have so much on her plate at once." Klaus pouted before his mouth turned into a devilish grin, "First, i'll get my coffin and she will work her magic to getting it one step further to being opened," He paused and tilted his head at Damon again, "And then she will work her magic to get Amity out of this damn house, she seems like she doesn't like it here at all." Klaus scowled and gripped Stefans shoulder causing him to hiss in pain, "I don't want her to be in any position she doesn't want to be in."

"It's impossible for another witch to break the spell, it's Bonnies spell. Bonnie has to be the one to undo it." Damon said ,scrunching his eyebrows together. He glanced to Stefan and recognized the look on his face, "How old is this witch?"

Klaus grinned, "Much older than you." He turned to Stefan turning him to look him in the eyes, "Now mate, go get me my coffin."

Klaus nudged his head towards the door smiling as Stefan automatically followed his compulsion, "Why do you want that coffin so bad? What exactly is in it?"

Damon was looking at him curiously, but snapped his head towards behind him as the sound of a coffin rolling down the hallway was heard. He immediately moved at lightening speed to stop Stefan from pushing it any further, "Damon, I have to do this." Stefans teeth were gritted together and he was hell bent to get the coffin out of that door. He wanted to fight it, but it was just to painful.

"No," Damon shook his head, "Fight it." Damon felt the force of Stefan pushing grow harder, "Fight it, Stefan."

Stefan couldn't. He pushed it so hard that the force sent Damon flying back into the wall beside the door and the coffin flew from Stefan's push and straight out of the door. Klaus stopped it from flying past him by simply placing his hand on the top, "Thank you so much." He remarked sarcastically then glanced over at Amity, "You will be out of here soon." He knew he had to resist the urge to run in and kiss her because he couldn't, he would be blocked and look like a fool.

Amity sat in a room on the bed with a frown plastered on her face. It wasn't even the fact that she couldn't be near Klaus, it was the fact that she felt controlled. Like these people thought of her as a dog and it irritated her. Not only that, but she felt empty. She didn't feel like herself, she felt like there was something huge in her life that was missing. And to make an odd bold statement she wanted to talk to someone named Kol. She had a dream about him the night before, she recalled him saying that he would be ther3 whenever she needed him. He reminded her of her brothers back in Chicago, he comforted her and wished the best of wishes for her in a protective sense

"Come on, love." Her head snapped to the window where the voice had come from. Her thoughts breaking away from Kol and the odd dreams she had been having lately, "Don't look so down."

Klaus was sitting on the roof his back resting against the small space of wall outside of the window. Amity grinned and got up, walking over to the seat connected to the window, "Aren't you supposed to be getting me back?" She questioned grinning.

Klaus grinned, matching hers, "I'm not the witch, I dont have to be there for it." He replied and glanced down at her hand. It was odd for him to have a overwhelming feeling to want to hold it. He was still getting used to being in love with her, "What happened to your arm?"

His eyes were locked on the bruise that was wrapped around her forearm. She glanced down at it, shrugging, "Probably got it when they put that stupid spell on me." She rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "Damon put me in a choke hold. Ain't that some shit?"

Though he was angry for the fact that they had harmed her, he couldn't help but let a genuine smile grace his face as he heard her foul language. When she saw his her own smile grew on her face. There was no smile more beautiful than Klaus' when his was completely genuine. The door to her room flew open, causing her to snap out of her stare on Klaus. Elena walked in not saying anything, just bringing in a stack of covers for Amity to use for the night. It was going to be cold and with that she left, not giving a single glance in Amity's way. Amity looked back out her window to see that Klaus had disappeared and sighed, resting her chin on her knees. She just wanted more time with him, mostly she just wanted to be back with him. She was starting to remember more and more things every second that she just couldn't understand and it seemed to her like he was the only person who would.


Please let me know what you think? Thanks for your comments, they mean alot.

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