Did it work?

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The Final Chapter.

Something wasn't sitting well with Klaus. Everyone was telling him to keep calm. Leo would wake up and she would be a vampire. He had already fed her blood so her transition had begun, but she hadn't woken up. As much as he wanted to believe it, he simply couldn't. He still felt this agonizing ache in his chest as if she were dying, which she would be if she were turning into a vampire, but this feeling didn't happen the last time he had went through this. He was calm as he drove towards Denikas shop, it was only until Kol glanced back at Eleiona from his spot in the front seat and his face grew pale and his pupils dilated to an extreme size. He was worried, his humanity was seeping through the cracks of the wall he had built up for so long.

"Kol?" Klaus questioned, but Kols head didn't snap away from looking at Leo. He looked like he was about to start crying as he crawled into the back seat with her, "Kol, what are you doing?"

"Niklaus." He breathed out, and Klaus could see him shake his head in disbelief as he stared down at Leo, "Her skin is turning grey."

Klaus didn't even glance back to look, he couldn't; he didn't want to see her in that state. Instead he slammed on the gas and hoped that he could make it Denikas before Leo was ash. When they pulled up in front of the store, Klaus was hesitant to even get out of the car and get Leo. He didn't know if he could handle it.

He stepped out of the drivers side and opened the door to the backseat. Sure enough her skin was turning grey painfully slow, but it wasn't so bad to the point to where it was cracking, "Hurry go get Denika, Kol. I'll get Leo inside."

He carefully picked her up and carried her inside, sitting her on the same couch he had put her on the first time he had met her when she was Amity. He wished he could go back to that day, he could honestly say he wouldn't have taken her that day if he knew it would have ruined her life.

"Klaus, what is Kol going on about Elei- Oh my god." She ran to Leos side in panic, brushing her hair off her face.

"Help her, Denika," Klaus pleaded, he was trying to be strong. He didn't want to break down, he didn't have the time for it, "Help her she is dying."

"Tell me what happened." Denika said in hurry, hoping Klaus would hurry with his answer as well.

"Finn turned her I don't know why and then Kol killed Finn, now-" Denika cut him off.

"Finn turned her and now he is dead?" She questioned as Kol and Klaus nodded at her, "When an original dies their whole bloodline dies, any vampire Finn created dies."

"She wasn't a vampire yet when Finn died." Klaus pleaded again, "Doesn't that mean anything?"

"No, Klaus." She sighed and Klaus could tell she was trying to hold her tears inside as well.

"We have to do something, do a spell or something." Klaus began to pace across the floor in front of the couch where Leo laid becoming greyer by the second, "Please Denika, I am begging you. Make her like me or save her, I don't care. I will take any option, I will do anything I have to."

"I know you will, I know." She said gripping his shoulder, "I'm going to try to make her into a hybrid, I can't guarantee if it will work."

"Please Denika, I love her." He bit his lip, and whispered, "I never told her enough and she deserves to know how much I love her."

Denika nodded and clasped both of Klaus' hand in hers, "I love her too, Klaus." She nodded, Leo was like a daughter her and she always had been, "I will try my hardest. I need your blood and you to leave me to my business."

Klaus had given her a vile of his blood and nervously sat in the car. His foot tapping on the gas pedal, "Brother?"

Klaus rose his head to look at Kols tear stained eyes, "What, Kol?"

Kol took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, "What will we do without her?" He questioned and looked back at Klaus, "She's like a sister to me, I don't know if I could bare to lose her."

"I don't know." Klaus took a shaky breath and failed to realize that this is the first time he was actually getting along with Kol in decades. That's just what Leo did though, she brought people together -even when she wasn't alive and on the brink of death she managed to bring people together.

Klaus jumped when he heard a knock on the window and rolled it down to see Elijah with Rebekah, "Sage is dead..."

Klaus could have died then and there. If Sage was dead and every other person Finn had created then that meant that Eleiona was gone too, "I want to go see, but I'm scared she's my mate, I don't think I will know how to function without her."

That was the first time Klaus had ever admitted of being scared of anything since his father. He was scared to walk through the door to Denikas shop and see nothing but ashes where Leo once laid, "Niklaus." Elijah opened the door and placed his hand on his brother's arm, "We are all scared,"

Elijah helped Klaus out of the car and the group slowly walked into Denikas shop. The first thing they saw was Denika towering over Leos body. Leo was still there, but she wasn't there, "Did it work?"

Denika turned to look at Klaus, the tears leaking freely from her eyes, "No, I'm so sorry." She whispered, "She's not waking up like she should be."

Klaus felt himself break in half, he was numb and he couldn't believe his Eleiona was dead. His mate, the woman who was supposed to have his children and roam the earth with him for eternity, "Nik?"

Rebekah put her hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off, "Do you still have the coffin?"

Everyone's head snapped to look at him, Elijah stepped forward, "Are you going to drag her around in a coffin like you did to the rest of us or are you going to lay her to rest?"

Klaus glared at him and painfully watched as Denika pulled the shiny black coffin out of the back room, "I'm going to put her in the tomb." He said through gritted teeth, "I want to be able to visit her whenever I want, I won't ever be able to...let her go."

Klaus leaned forward and picked Leo up and placed her inside of the coffin. He stepped back as Denika crossed her arms over her chest, "I can't believe this is happening." Kol muttered as he held his hands over his face and walked out of the store.

Before Denika could close the coffin Klaus spoke up, "Wait!" He stepped forward grabbing Leos hand and digging in his pocket. He pulled out her wedding band from his pocket and placed it on her ring finger before closing the coffin for good.

Fin. (all irony applied.)


If you would like a sequal please comment below. (: Thanks for reading.

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