How do you know?

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Amity didn't remember anything after that, everything was blank. She woke up snuggled underneath the covers of a big king sized bed in a room with deep red walls,"Klaus."

He was laying on his back to the left of her staring up at the ceiling, "Yes, love?"

She turned on her side to face him and eyed his profile. He was a beautiful man; it was hard to believe he had been walking the earth for over a thousand years. The stubble that was always on his face suited him well and the light brown hair with a slight curl made it even better. She didn't care if she didn't know much of anything about him, she was just happy that he was a vampire. If he weren't she would have never gotten to meet him, and what would the modern day world be like without Klaus. She wondered if anyone ever thought about how these vampires would have been dead if they weren't ever turned. "Who was that man and why did he call me Eleiona?"

Klaus sighed and rolled on his side as well to look at her, "That's my brother, Elijah. Don't worry about him, he's met so many people in his life; He's probably just confused."

For a moment as she watched Klaus roll to face her she had and Image of him with slicked back hair and a suit graced his body. He was smiling at her and reached out to run his fingers through her hair, which was in long loose curls and red lipstick graced her lips. She noticed a glint on his left hand and noticed that band was wrapped around his ring finger.

Amity snapped out of it and boldly reached out to grab his left hand. She noticed his hands were much larger than hers as she traced the empty spot on his ring finger, "Empty."

Klaus eyed her curiously and moved his hand away from hers, cupping her jaw. He used his thumb to caress her cheek bone, "How do you know?"

She absent mindedly tilted her head into his touch and scrunched her eyebrows together, "Know what?"

He removed his hand from her cheek and the cold air made the warmth it once had disappear. He moved his hand up to his neck pulling at the thin silver chain; it popped out from underneath his shirt. There it was, a large silver wedding band hanging from the chain, just like the one she had just seen.

"How did you know about this?" He asked, his grey eyes peeking up at her. Sure she had gotten his most important memories, but these small details about himself she wasn't supposed to have knowledge of.

"I don't know," She reached forward and held the ring, caressing it with her thumb, "I just thought about it being on your finger."

"I don't understand how you know about these things." She could hear the frustration and feel the desperation in his voice. She was seeing a side of Klaus that no one had probably seen before, well except for the person that gave him that ring.

"Who were you married to?" She didn't want to pry, but she wanted to know. She needed to understand him.

He shook his head and sighed, shoving the chain with the ring on it back underneath his shirt, "I was never married, I just looked down one day and it was on my finger."

She bit her lip scanning his face, it was then when she realized how close they were in the big bed. They were practically breathing each other's air, but neither of them seemed to mind, "You kept it though."

He sat up and grinned, her eyes following for him, "Yes I did, Love."

She sat up as well, crossing her legs. That doesn't make any sense, he kept it. "Why?"

His grin turned into a closed lip smile as he stared into her eyes, "Because it feels important to me." Amity stared back into his eyes and couldn't help but notice the admiration for her they held. Like he wasn't talking about the ring, he was talking about her.

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