Why her blood?

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Klaus and Amity were sitting in the car a comfortable, but thick silence between them. Klaus was torn and it was a new feeling for him. He knew whatever was in that coffin was important to him even more now that he knew it had something to do with Amity. What was he going to do now?

He drummed is fingers on the wheel and suddenly spoke, "I know this is sudden," He said staring ahead, "But I don't want to be without you."

Amity bit her lip and her head felt like it was about to explode. Klaus. The person with absolutely no humanity didn't want be without her, "Why is that?"

He pressed his lips together, he was hesitating to tell her the truth; he didn't want to freak her out. "You have to promise you won't freak out and call me crazy." she looked over and nodded at him, she couldn't speak her throat felt tight, "You're my mate."

He watched her face to see how her expression would change but it didn't. She leaned back in the car seat and turned her head to look out the window, "Why does it matter?"

He scrunched his face in confusion, "What do you mind why does it matter? I don't want it to, but it does love." He said in a frustrated tone, "This is the only thing on earth that I can not control."

"You don't have any humanity," she said snapping her head to look at him, she was having a hard time excepting the fact she was literally sitting beside her soul mate, "You have to have that humanity for something to matter."

He sighed deeply, "That's because all my humanity belongs to you, and when I'm with you it's with me." He closed his eyes for a moment and barley spoke the last part, "You are a part of me."

"What are you going to do then?" She asked refurring to the coffin. Klaus picked his phone from his pocket and slowly dialed a number.

It rang a few times before the person on the other end decided to pick up, "Ah, Klaus, I assume your calling about your beloved locked coffin."

"Of course, Damon. What else would I possibly want to talk to you about?" Klaus smirked, "What a surprise it was when I discovered it was gone, you seem to really want your head ripped of mate."

Klaus was never mean or violent around Amity. In truth, Amity didn't know the real Klaus as much as she needed to and it's not because he didn't want her to either. Around her he couldn't bring himself to say things that would easily frighten a human. The only thing he didn't want her to know was how strong and powerful he truly was.

"Oh a threat," Damon replied sarcastically, "Nothing knew to me, honey. Now what do you want, call to strike a deal?"

"I wouldn't play with me Damon, It wont end well for you." Klaus growled, "I could rip your heart out the very second I see you."

"Doesn't scare me." Damon said, but it was not believe able, "So how's your hott soul mate?"

Klaus felt the sneer crawl on to his face at hearing Damon calling her hott and mocking their connection, "I will trade."

He glanced over at Amity, she was completely relaxed in the passenger seat just gazing at him like he was the most beautiful thing in the world, only she didnt realize she was doing it, "Are you serious? Just when I was about to get my witchy friend to open it up, your giving in that easy?"

Klaus rolled his eyes at Damons words, resisting a chuckle; Damon really thought he had won, "Don't get to happy," Klaus replied starting the car, "I'll have her back as soon as my witchy friend opens the coffin."

Klaus smirked and hung up before Damon could get another word in, his phone started to ring almost instantly. He answered and looked over at Amity who was still gazing at his face, she looked deep in thought, "Klaus have you gotten the coffin back?"

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