Chapter 7: Artist

Start from the beginning

Henry paused the show and smiled "Come here then" he said, patting the space between him and Linda. Bendy grinned and walked over, putting his arms up for Linda to help him up. Once Bendy got comfortable he showed them what he had done.

Henry gasped, "Bendy this is, this brilliant! I dare say better than me!" he said in shock, Bendy's eyes widened "R-Really?"

Henry nodded, finger brushing the perfect landscape drawing of Him, Linda and his little ink demon, "This is going on the fridge, did you sign it?"

Bendy shook his head and took back the picture "I'll go d-do that!" he said excitedly, tumbling off the sofa and rushing back to the kitchen. Linda chuckled "Little artist"

"You do realize he's over thirty years old, right?" Henry said, unpausing the movie.

Linda gave him a funny look "No, he can't be" she aid,

"But he is"

"Strange, you'd think with the way he acts he was just a child."


Bendy had been with Henry and Linda for about a month, he no longer stuttered and was doing quite well. Linda thought it would be about time now to take him outside, but Henry was adamant that he stayed home.

"Look, it could be very dangerous for him, what if someone recognizes him?" Henry whisper yelled, Bendy was asleep, and he didn't want to wake him up. Linda held up the hat "They won't, as long as he stays hidden, please Henry, he wants so desperately to go to the art store"

Henry sighed and rubbed his eyes "Okay" He said, giving in "But as soon as it gets too much for Bendy you come straight back home, the last time he went outside he was shaking like a leaf at all the chaos"

"The train station was loud and noisy, the art store in town is hardly ever busy," Linda said, putting a reassuring hand on Henry's arm. The man smiled. "Just be careful, okay?"


Dressed in his favorite teal blue sweater, and a pair of long pants, he looked almost human as Linda made sure the cap was tucked over his horns comfortably."Ready?" she asked, booping his forehead.

Bendy nodded and grinned, taking her hand and squeezing her fingers in excitement. He was so ready! Linda scooped up the keys from the bowl on the table and opened the front door, leading Bendy out to the car "I need you to keep your head down as best as you can when we're in public, okay bud?"

"Understood!" Bendy said, as Linda helped him into the front seat and clicked his seat belt into place.

The drive was short, and Bendy was too small to see out the window, but the evergreen trees and fluffy white clouds he could view from his location was nice to see as the car drove down the street.

Linda parked the car just outside the store and gazed out the window before she looked down at Bendy with a smile "Ready?"

Bendy gave her the thumbs up "Yes!" he said, waiting for Linda to get out before he did. He ran around to the front and took her hand, keeping his head down as they entered the store. Immediately the smell of pencil lead and paint filled his senses, and he took a good whiff of the air, "Hey? You two need any help?" the lady at the front desk asked. Bendy gazed at her in surprise, what a strange human, he had never seen one in that colour before. He tugged Linda's hand, and she kneeled down "What's the matter?"

"Why is that human that colour?" he asked.

Linda chuckled "Humans come in different colours too, did you not know?"

Bendy shook his head "What's that colour called?"

"She's an African American. She's very nice, her names Mandy."

"Oh" Bendy glanced at her again, strange.

Linda leaned back up. "No, no, we're fine, thank you, Mandy." she replied.

Mandy smiled. "If you need anything, just ask."

"Will do, come on Bendy, find what you need, and lets get home" Linda urged. Bendy grabbed the rheem of paper and the eraser he had needed and passed it to her "Just these?" Linda asked, Bendy nodded "Henry's out of both" he said, remembering all the drawings he had done, now plastered over the fridge and his bedroom walls.

"I see, okay then" she said, taking it up to the front desk and setting it down on the counter. Bendy waited nearby, eyes watching the street through the very stocked display window.

Mandy smiled as she helped Linda with her items. "Is that your son?" she asked, as she scanned the items.

"He's adopted, but yes" Linda replied, a loud crash made them glance over, Bendy flinched "Sorry Miss Mandy!" he cried, hurrying to pick it all up, Mandy shook her head "It's okay dear, that gets knocked over a lot," she said. Linda let out the breath she was holding, thankful the fallen art supplies hadn't triggered anything,  she really didn't want a meltdown in a public place. 

(Hi guys, sorry this chapter is a day late, yesterday was exhausting, I had to get an eye test among the many things, I'm getting new frames as well as lens, the lens will reflect blue light, which is what the screens on your devices produce, handy right? then I had to run a few errands and was too tired to do any writing once I got home, so sorry for the delay :3)

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