They didn't know that after scrolling through Natalie's Instagram page and being bombarded by images of an elegant, poised young woman with perfect hair, makeup and a sophisticated lifestyle of travelling the world and going to fancy parties- Desiree had been catapulted into a raging sea of insecurity and emotional despair.

No wonder Taehyung didn't want her. 

She looked grubby, unpolished and immature while Natalie was everything that she wasn't!

Looking back on it, she realised that she had masqueraded as an obviously easy target for him to use and humiliate. 

The way she presented herself was sending out all the wrong signals to guys. She looked like 'a good time' while Natalie was definite 'wifey' material.

But not anymore...

The next time that Kim Taehyung would set eyes on her, she would look like a good girl not just a slut he thought he could fuck on the side and get away with it. 

Her heart twinged just thinking about it....being perceived that way. It took her this long to realise that this was what he'd thought of her from the beginning and it hurt. 

He even said it himself the other night at the party that she was 'cheap' ?

Desiree felt silly for having ever thought that there was any way she could compete with a woman like Nathalie. 

But at least for tonight, she could try. 

Even though it was the last place on earth that she would want to be, this dinner was her responsibility. Her Dad left her in charge of everything and so she would have suck it up, be a good hostess and think only in the interest of her family's business. No matter who the client was, she was going to put her emotions aside and ensure that all went to plan, whether she liked to or not.

The engagement party, being only two hours away now- Desiree felt a sudden streak of panic. She needed to find something suitable to wear, and quick! 


Taehyung smiled through gritted his teeth. He was sat at the table, to his left was Nathalie and to his right was Mr Suleman. The older man kept a firm grip on his shoulder- face widened into a Joker's grin. 

"To my daughter and future son-in-law!" he boomed across the room and the guests who were there all cheered happily together in support for the young couple.

Taehyung felt sick to his stomach. He stayed quiet and just let everything carry on around him.

Mr Suleman was so fake, everything and all this was entirely fake and Taehyung couldn't believe that he had walked into a trap like this one. 

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